Chapter Nineteen

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A grunt and a groan escape his lips as he uses one hand to rub his forehead and one to rub his knee, Brayon hisses and curses under his breath, his long arm grasps the edge of the desk, as he pulls himself up, the top of the desk's shifts.

His brows huddle together in confusion, he walks around and stumbles on the same chair, his anger brewing like a teapot, his lips sealed before he explodes and alarms anyone. He continues on his treacherous journey around the forbidden desk, he pulls Mark's chair back and pushes the top of the desk even more, " Smart son of a bitch" he sings quietly to himself. He tumbles and tumbles until he finds everything he's looking for.

He grabs his bag and throws rotting meat all around the room, the scent is strong enough mute his, he shuts off the light and opens the door with only a crack. Once he sees no one he brushes through the hall to get back to his room.

As he makes his way, he notices Tom's room still open and a spec of light slips out, he rushes past and heads straight for his room, leaving the spec of light on its own. It fathoms and grazes as just a thin line in the hall, but in Tom's room it paints everything in fluorescent light, it hunts looking for him, and the full moon shines through the open curtains seeking a wolf.

Tom's body bathes in this light, short hair pokes out of his slight sun-kissed skin, his bones break and shift to his wolf, and his entire body soon becomes an animal feared by many.

His blanket that was only covering half of his body is now crimped up and kicked off by Malek's ( Tom's wolf) hind legs. The majestic creature lays there, eyes slowly swaying open, hoping to peek at the sight of its mate, but the overwhelming truth was like a needle. Poking him gently though piercing through his skin.

Aggravated he fidgets his way off the bed, his large paws scraping against the hardwood floor as he race towards the open window.

His body flew through the air, as large as Malek was he lands effortlessly on the pavement of grass below. Thuds and growls could be heard fading into the arm-stretched darkness of the woods.

Meanwhile, his brother tosses and turns in his bed, the moonlight knocking against the heavy curtains and shut windows. Beads of sweat roll off his body and soak his mattress, his forehead lined with wrinkles as the images in his mind taunt him.

He can see those lost eyes, not a single gleam in them, he can see that face as he hangs his head low, he can see the blood as it paints his body velvet. The only thought and words that usher me through are " It's my fault".

He bolts up heavily panting, his hand over his bare chest, feeling his heartbeat rhythmically pound aligning with his brother's footsteps five miles away in the woods.

The heavy thumping and panting hold no bounds as Malek tears through the forest. His eyes burn with red, searching for his mate. His mate. The cruelty of Karma came so hard, it came so sudden. Malek tries to sniff out a scent but it was useless, he tramples all over the woods as the morning sun approaches, welcoming its left as the moon graciously leaves.

The crisp morning air gallops through the land, as the flowers yawn and stretch their petals, the animals doing the same. Allen rolls over in the bed to be greeted by the bare chest of the man who comforted him.

Samuel just lays there, staring at the small boy, he raises his hand and pushes away the stray locks from Allen's gorgeous face, the gentle strokes of his hands tickle the small boy. His eyes flutter as he comes to terms with the sight he beholds, Samuel's charming smile welcomes him, his toned chest strokes his aura, his thick black hair now ruffled and splayed all over his head, it curtains his pale face and pops his chiseled features.

The moment seems to slip by as minutes passed without a word dared to be uttered, it was calm, silent, blissful, and intoxicating. They faded into each other, their fingers intermingle, their foreheads kiss and the two creepy maids with the smile wider and brighter than Cheshire knocks on the grand double door and lets themselves in.

"Hello my Prince and grand leader, the Council request your presence" The tall one utters, her robotic posture holding her back straight and head high, her caramel eyes still hollow and emotionless. The short one just stood by her side, though she looks a bit shaken as if she was cracking, something she saw or something happened to her that wants to speak its way.

Allen is a bit concerned however Samuel dismisses them, they leave their hands tucked into each other as they hang in front of their apron. Samuel scoops the little boy in his long arms and lifts him off the bed, placing a kiss on his forehead and gently letting his feet touch the ground.

Allen's small palms slid from Samuel's neck to his shoulders, gliding over his biceps and to the inner part of his elbow. The soft touch from Allen sends jitters down Samuel's spine. " Quickly get dressed, we have to look presentable," Samuel says, Allen nods and complies.

While through the window, the wind combs through the green grass, the steam puffing white clouds as it passes along on the tracks, it comes to a steady halt at the town's station. Good now being unloaded, passengers bustle their way off as the crew inspects the now empty stalls.

The station was grand, a true accolade to the town's embroidered tapestry. Large pillars, paintings, and even the wooden floor looked as if it was polished. The smell cool smell of manufactured air from the AC unit was clean and somewhat stifling. The color scheme remains the same from the palace, white and gray, the only thing colorful was the people's clothing and accessories. Old and young, tall and short every one of them making their way to where they need to be.

Amongst the crowds a little hand grabs hold of a tall man's jacket, the man's limber figure stares down at him, the man was dark in complexion, his fedora covers his hair but not his charming face, his kind eyes held disbelief as it saw the battered child.

Clothes with holes, hair with dirt, and outstretched hands begging for food.

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