Chapter Thirty One

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Like a leaf, Matt's body was being swirled to where so ever the water pleased to go. His arms flailing like a little puppy, his whimpers somewhat inaudible. Samuel still sinking in the center of the vortex, his black hair looks like the kelp growing at the bottom of the abyss. The water burning his nose, his face turns blue as his last breath puffs out in a little bubble from his mouth.

Samuel's head and stomach were in an almost straight line as he floats horizontally, his body felt heavy and motionless. His mind flustered, he had no sense of reality, he only felt tired. The water felt like a cradle, rocking him gently to sleep towards the bottom. The hem of his shirt lifts, his pale torso revealed. Samuel's eyes become heavy, he begins to close them, and 'just a quick nap' he thinks to himself, the blurry silhouette of Matt finally going under. 'He looks so peaceful' he thinks once more as the lids of his eyes shut.

Matt fell into complete fear, but finally gave up, 'I knew I would die in here' he thought to himself as his eyes closes as well. They lay there, somewhat afloat in the water, for a few seconds, they were alone. A blue glowing specter swims around their bodies, almost as if it was dancing around their unconscious states. The old man scowls once more as he sees the ghostly figure, knowing all too well who it was.

The specter places his left palm on Matt's cheek, the water fell still. Matt flinches against the sudden cold feeling on his face, the muffled sound of swimming is all he hears as his body rises. His face follows his nose as it peeks out of the water, lips quivering, the color red rushing back to his blur tinted skin. Besides him, Samuel arises, slowly emerging, but the blue tint remains, as did a soft childish smile on his ever so charming face.

The specter rises above them, his figure short and bulky, his head was as bald, but the halo's light blinds the fact. He glides through the air, feet almost skimming the water. As he moves the two bodies follow in unison, it carries them to the edge. Their bodies remain afloat as the specter leans downwards once more and says's "Matthew my son, open your eyes". On hearing the voice his eyes flew open. He just stares at the figure before him, recognizing the man from before the one who burnt them in the cell he was trapped in when Samuel found him.

But he knew more than that, he knew this man, but he couldn't placate how he did. The figure smiles and says once more "good luck!" as it vanishes in the air, like smog clearing away. Matt comes to his senses as he tugs his hips in and situates himself upright in the water, his arms going to and fro along the top, trying to keep himself centered. He grasps the edge and hauls himself onto the ground. He catches his breath before attempting to get Samuel out of the water. After which with many struggles[, he places one hand in the other, back of his left hand to his right's palm, he pushes both palms downwards and places it on Samuel's chest, with the feeble arms he begins, chest compression.

Meanwhile above the ground, through the large vast halls of the castle on the right-wing, Allen searches relentlessly for Samuel. His small body accompanied by his massive white wings searches and searches, he misses the large boy, being three days he had not seen them.

The halls keep going and going, at every turn, it all looks as if he had been there before but he hadn't. The creepy smiling maid keeps following him as he goes along, he wanted to ask where Samuel was but he was too afraid too. Instead, he keeps on looking, opening doors, and trying to find the right room, trying to find the right person. Even with Allen's calm exterior, he was in shambles, he had lost the first person who showed him what it felt like to be cared for, to have held and comforted him when he was scared.

He finally arrives at a grand door, gold engravings adorn the frame, the thick heavy velvet curtains were drawn back to have the natural light show its beauty. His small thin fingers only managed to graze the doorknob before he had been quickly escorted away by the maids. He turns his head to look at them, he held his inquisitiveness because of the looks of horror their faces held. As if their fate would be sealed if the door was to ever be opened.

The old man remains silent on the other side, his scowl poisons the plants beside him to wither away. He turns his face towards the guard standing on his right, keeping his chin up high. "Come here" his shaky voice demands, the guard humbly complies, with his left knee to the ground he bows before the Grand Council member, his thick furry brows huddling in fear. "Yes Master, what do you need," the guard said quickly.

"Take a team and end their journey in the Centipede's Dungeon, Don't worry about my son, he is weak and like his mother, he will never make it out alive". The guard bows his head in response and rises. His broad frame is stiff, he waddles whilst he exits the room. With a sigh of relief, once the door closes behind him, he hoists his chest up and threw his broad shoulders back as he marches along the long hall to the warriors' den.

The guard walks along, his right palm rests on his sword, he takes a right turn and knocks down a frantic Allen, his body lands on his ginormous wings. A soft wince escapes his lips; he looks at the pair of giant metal sabaton, his eyes wander upwards as he sees a pair of narrowed brown eyes and an outreached palm, Allen hesitantly grasps it as the guard pulls him back unto his feet. The guard then kneels once more on his left knee as he, "I'm sorry His Royal Highness, and it was never my intent to harm you".

Allen smiles as he bows in response to the guard, the two maids behind Allen swoons as the guard stands and continues his way. Allen forgets the encounter and continues on his way to search for Samuel.

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