"Have we met?"

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Drew POV

*PRIIINGGGGG* I woke up to the sound of my phone alarm, I turned it off, and started my day.

Before I go to have my breakfast I go to my daughter, Brea 's room, "Breaaaa, wakey wakey, time to get up!" I woke my daughter. She has school so I have to make sure I wake her up on time. Had our breakfast, drove her to kindergarten, and went to my office. Before I went in.....*crash* a girl bumped into me 

"Geez, watch where your going!" I exclaimed "Well Sorry! I'm just running late for work so if you'll excuse me-" she started explaining, wait.... I think I've seen that face before..... 


"Freaks! Hahahahahaa" I called the music club that as they walked away, "Come on let's go" I told them. While we we're  walking to recess, I saw a girl carrying a pile of books that look like they were about to fall off, I didn't mind at first, but then the clutz tripped, and all the books fell all over the place and on me, "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" I complained "Sorry! Sorry, I'll pick them up" She apologized "Tch, such a clutz" I muttered "Dude, why yell at  a girl? That's not very manly ya know" Henry asked "Why not move on from Lia -_-?" I talked back, Liam and Jake started snickering "Don't bring Lia into this! Why you so mean T^T?" Henry asked "Henry, move on, you know Lia doesn't like you, maybe find someone else who does love you for the way you are" Jake stated the facts "No way! I'll do whatever I can to make Lia like me!" Henry replied in desperation 

End of flashback

Drew POV 

Of course! The clutz... now I kinda regret calling her that..

"Uhh miss have we...met before?" I awkwardly asked 

"Now that you mention it, I think so?"  She replied. "Hold on what time is it?" She asked "Let's see, 7:50" I replied, hold on....SHOOT I FORGOT I HAD A MEETING AT 8:00! "7:50!? IM SOO LATE! Uhhhh if you wanna talk more about the fact that we may have seen eachother before, then meet me at Meadow's Cafe at- uhhh what time are free today?" She said in a hurry "3:30" I replied "Ok see you! No time to chit chat I'm gonna be late! Byeeeeee!" She said as she ran I quickly ran to the office to go the meeting.

To be continued........

Author's note: Totally didn't use an mha reference hehehehehe.... But I hope u guys enjoyed this chapter! See u in the next! UwU

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