Bonus chapter: Love all over again

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Drew POV

Many months had passed since I reunited with everyone, I have regained my confidence and got along with everyone quite well, and even if many months had passed I still can't get over of what they said, that I should ask Stacy out, but we're just friends, right?

"Hi Drew! Fancy seeing you here!" I turned around to see Stacy "Fancy seeing you too" I replied to her "I just came here for a coffee, wanna join me?" She asked "Uh, Yeah, sure lets go" We ordered our coffee and sat at a table, and chatted "You know...Its been a while since we last talked like this" Stacy said, now that I think about it, yeah, it has been a while since we talked alone, last time being that she helped me reunite with everyone, Then I heard a knock on the window beside us, it was Henry and Liam waving at us , we waved back, then Henry pointed at me, then Stacy and mouthed 'Are you guys dating yet?' I read his lips but Stacy didn't get it, I pointed at him and then my lips, asking him to read them '' I mouthed with my face turning red "Ok? Enough of the silent communication, why don't we go say hi?" Stacy broke the silence, I agreed and we went out. We said hi and chatted a bit "Hold on, I have a call I'll be back" Stacy said and went to answer her call "So, you two dating yet?" Henry asked, " We're not dating, Henry, we're just friends" Henry and Liam looked disappointed "SEROUSLY!? You two known eachother for many months and you haven't kissed yet?" Liam asked "We are not dating! How many times do I have to say that?!" I asked, geez, these guys are giving me a hard time -_- "Come onnn Drew! She likes you, you like her, just ask her out!" Liam encouraged me "Im doing nothing guys, we're JUST FRIENDS, end.of.disccussion" I told them to zip it, Stacy finished with  her call and we all took a stroll. But I thought of what they said.....There's no way I like her, but then again over these past few months, I have been feeling something whenever im around her, like- butterflies in my stomach, sometimes my face goes red and my heart's beating faster, and I do sometimes stutter when I talk with her......

Maybe they're right, maybe I do like Stacy......hehe,feels like love all over again 

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