"All together again"

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This takes place in the bands recording studio (You know, those studios used to make songs and music videos) btw Daisy and Elliot are not present in this chapter

Narrator Pov

"Milly, we're here!" A boy called out "Hi Luke, hi Zander....wait" A girl with red hair replied "Where's Jake and Hailey?" Stacy asked, with concern "They're stuck at traffic, also you said something about a 'surprise' what is it?" Zander said "We'll show it later, lets wait  for Jake and Hailey to arrive" Sean told them, they waited patiently for a few minutes, and the boy with black hair texted the 'surprise' to wait a few minutes, the surprise agreed and sat still trying to not make a sound, and finally the honored guests have arrived. "Hi! Sorry we're late, the traffic was pretty slow, thank goodness it only took a few minutes to get everything solved" A boy with peach colored hair said "Soo, what's the surprise?" his wife asked out of curiosity "Its right over there! I'll go get him" Liam said, with his husband coming with him, they both went to the instrument room to go get it, they closed the door to talk with him in private "I can't go out there they'd be mad at me or something" Drew said in nervousness "Oh come on, you already talked to us, Milly, Sean, and others. This should be no big deal!" Henry encouraged him "Henry's right, you can do this" Liam encouraged him "You guys dont get it, you see..." Drew started to talk about what actually happened and started panicking, the couple looked at eachother with annoyed faces "Drew enough of your yapping and get outta here to meet the rest of the gang, you wanted to see them again, isn't that what you wanted?" Liam asked, Drew took a deep breath and looked at the two "Yeah, I do....*deep breath* Im going out" Drew seemed ready to meet them again, the two left the room and gave him some time "Soo where is it?" Zander asked, growing impatient "Relax, he'll be out. Alright dude! Whenever your ready!" Jake, Hailey, Luke, and Zander looked at eachother with confused faces  and looked at the rest, they weren't confused because they met the surprise already and some gave  eachother smug faces, and then he came out.... the four looked shocked at the surprise, none other than their former tormentor, Drew. "DREW?!" they all said at the same time 

Hailey POV

I couldn't believe what I'm seeing, it was him, that same guy who bullied us years ago, I can't believe its been that long since I saw him "Hey guys..." Drew greeted us with an awkward voice "THIS- This is the surprise you guys told us about?" Zander asked, completely speechless, but surprisingly, happy to see him again, same with me, Luke, and Jake. 

Jake POV

Its- Its him...after all these years I'd never thought I'd see him again. I ran to Drew with tears in my eyes and hugged him tightly "Nice to see you again, buddy" I said to him, he was also crying, I missed him alot...."Long time no see, huh?" Hailey, Luke, and Zander walked in to give Drew a big group hug, and the others also joined in, we're all together again. After we let go of the hug, me and the others wiped out our tears, Drew told us how he ran into Stacy, and met all the others, he also thanked Stacy, and the others for helping him overcome the burden he carried all those years "Oh I see....but this sort of... came out of nowhere but, is Stacy your girlfriend?" Luke asked with a teasing tone Zander and the other boys started snickering, Stacy didn't hear it, she was busy talking with the other girls on...well... I don't know what their about, but atleast their having a good time, Drew's face turned a bit red "WHAT THE- NO! We're just friends, plus we only met 3 weeks ago...." Drew explained "Aww that's a bummer, but she's sooo your type, plus she gets along with kids very well" Henry teased "I'll agree with Henry, you two would be adorable together" Zander agreed "I agree as well, you should totally ask her out! You really like her!" I teased Drew, Liam and Sean also agreed "AGHHHH!! I'm telling you guys its nothing like that!" Drew responded, with his face getting redder" We all laughed and had a great time, it was good seeing an old friend again....

Drew POV

Its good to see Jake again....It's been a long time since I became this happy, guess I didn't realize huh? I've carried a burden for so long that I almost forgot what happiness felt like.........

To be continued.....

Authors note: HOOOOOH IM BACK with the final chapter! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I'll add a bonus later on, im getting better from my sickness so I'm active on wattpad again! Yay! 

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