"Such an idiot..."

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This takes place two weeks later

Drew POV

I was going to pick up Brea from kindergarten and I saw her with two other kids "Daddy! Look, I made new friends!" She said with excitement, "Oh? What are their names?" I asked "This is Jess, and this is Steve!" She introduced them to me "Hello!" The girl with green hair greeted me and so did the boy, I assume that they are twins..."Can they come to our house to play, pleaseeeee?" She asked "We have to talk to their parents first, Brea, ok?" I asked "Ok!" She replied, its good seeing her with new friends, "Steve, Jess, its to go ho-" I heard a voice I looked at the the two people who were gonna pick up her new friends, and my eyes  grew wide, my jaw dropped, I looked at the kids and back at them again, "DREW!?" They said at the same time "HENRY!? LIAM?!" the kids  looked at us with confused faces "Ummm, w-why don't we walk to the park, s-shall we?" I stuttered "S-sure.." Liam replied. We walked to the playground and let our kids play for a while, and we sat at the bench, looking at our kids in awkward silence 

Liam POV

We looked at our kids play in silence and I looked at my husband for a moment and I decided to break out the silence "Sooo, Drew, how have you been?" I asked "Fine, how about you guys?" he replied "We're good" Henry replied "So...Drew incase you didn't know, me and Henry are already-" "Married, I know, Daisy told me" Drew cut me off "She told me you adopted the kids 3 years ago" He did a background check "Ah, so you ran into Daisy aswell?" Henry asked "And Sean, I wanted to reunite with you guys, but I still know that I'm not worthy of being forgiven, but..I am willing to make things right.." He explained, how he ran into Stacy, and reunited with Sean, Daisy, Milly, and Elliot "Drew, you're the coolest person we've met, and you still are, and you'll always be our friend! We're Jomies aren't we?" Henry encouraged him "Hehe, even after all these years, you guys are still the biggest idiots I know" He replied with a calm tone, he's changed "Hey! Was that an insult or a compliment?" Henry asked all angry "Can't it be both?" he replied in a sarcastic tone, he may have changed but the same old Drew is still there "This may be stupid.....but how's Jake? Is he alright?" He asked, me and Henry looked at eachother and looked at him "Well, you see...."


Liam POV 

We have been getting along with the club quite well, turns out we had alot more in common, who knew? While we we're talking I saw Jake looking at his phone, smiling, and sort of crying, me and Hailey looked at eachother and went to him "Hey Jake, are you ok?" Hailey asked in concern, the rest looked at us and went to Jake to comfort him, he was looking at a picture of me, Henry, him, and of course, Drew. "Oh Jake.." Hailey went in to give Jake a hug, "Look, I know we haven't had a proper discussion with Drew, and we know that he is one your closest friends, and we know that its hard seeing someone you're close to leave you just to make you happy, but I know that things will get better, I just know it...." Hailey comforted Jake, we all went in to give Jake a hug "Thanks you guys....." Jake said 

End of Flashback

Drew POV

"And that's what happened" He explained everything to me..I feel bad for him, but I know that it was for him to be happy and following his passion "And that same day....we heard you...fell off the school roof" Henry told me, they both showed visible concern...... "A-actually...... I have a confession to make.... "  Henry and Liam seemed confused "I didn't 'fall' off the roof....." I told them "If you didn't fall off then...." Henry was calculating "I jumped off...." I told them, they both looked shocked of what happened "I had to kill myself, I couldn't handle the burden anymore, I couldn't handle all the rumors, I couldn't handle facing Jake, or you guys anymore.......after what I've done.......


Drew POV

I was at the roof, looking at the sky.....its really pretty.....I took off my shoes and I took of my watch and I put them down..... I climbed the railing and I grabbed on with one hand, I looked down and I looked up at the sky once again.....tears in my eyes, "Thank you guys.....for everything...." I let go and jumped off.......

I was such......an idiot.....

End of flashback

To be continued.....

Author's note: OKAY- as you can tell this chapter was lazy as heck, sorry for being inactive, see you in the next chapter

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