Meeting the family Part1

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Sharon looked over her shoulder at Bucky, "Relax. They'll love you and if not oh well their loss."
Bucky smiled and kissed her, "Baby bear you do know how to boost a man's ego."
Sharon was about to remark about his ego when May opened the door, "Sharon! I am so glad to see you!"
She blushed as May pulled her into a hug, "May this is my friend James Barnes. I told you about him on the phone."
May grinned appraising him, "Handsome guy Sharon. Come on in. Peter! Sharon's here."
Peter came into the room and hugged Sharon, "Hey thanks for the help with my English-"
Peter froze, "Mr. Bucky sir... What... what are you doing here."
Peter stuttered nervous. Sharon sighed, "I forgot about your Stark internship. I guess you'd have seen him around as you shadowed Stark."
Bucky chuckled, "Yeah... I have helped Happy run some security and seen Pete around."
May tsked, "I don't like how Tony has you shadow him. What do you do when he is off Iron manning?"
Peter shrunk and mumbled. Bucky spoke up, "Well ma'am when that happens I usually escort him to the lab to work with the scientists there."
Peter smiled, "See Aunt May. I am never in danger."
May gave a look that said she didn't believe it. Sharon smiled, "May let me help set the table."
Sharon and May walked away.
Peter faced Bucky, "I owe you big time there Mr. Bucky sir."
Bucky cringed, "Kid, just Bucky ok?"
Peter nodded, "So... Have you known my cousin awhile?"
Bucky sighed. The kid was trying to be all man of the family. It was cute; like watching a little kid dress up in his dad's work clothes, "I've known her for a bit."
Peter nodded, "She's a good person. I know May has been worried bout her since Grant passed."
Sharon walked in and sighed, "May is a mother hen." She pinched his cheek, "Come on Petey let's eat."
Bucky had to admit that dinner with Sharon and her family wasn't bad. He got to hear some stories from her childhood and some fun tales to share about Peter to the rest of the team.
At the end of the night May sent them away with left overs. The car ride home was comfortable. Sharon chuckled, " you work with Spiderman?"
Bucky faced her in shock before laughing, "Does Peter know you know?"
Sharon shook her head. A few months back Peter showed up at my house beat up pretty bad. He didn't want May to see. He told me it was bullies."
She sniffled, "So I called May asked if Peter could stay over a few nights. She said yes. I was looking in his bag checking for clues about bullies to you know "talk to them" when I found his costume."
Bucky tilted his head, "You never question him?"
Sharon shook her head, "Petey's a good kid. His heart's always been in the right place. I knew that if he really needed to talk about it he would."
She traced his metal hands nervously, "Pushing people to open up is the best way to shut the down."
Bucky kissed the top of her head.

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