Chapter 7

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A week flew by quickly, yesterday Mother took us children to the lake for a swim. It was fun, we had a barbecue and by the time 4 came around dad became extremely protective over us being out late. He dragged us home and locked us in the house.

Odette and her brothers invited me and Jaccob to her place to hang out. We pulled up at Odette's house and Jaccob was out faster than me running to the front door, I hoped out of the car slowly.

"Urgh!" I grumble as I fell to the ground holding onto the car door. "My stomach had horrible pains, Jaccob noticed me and ran to the door panicking. The pain shot through my head then my body shook. "Melissa! It's Devon" I heard Jaccob panic but a piercing shriek cut him out. I curled into a ball not being able to cope with the pain seeping through my body. I started to see black dots and everything seemed to lift but darkness took it's place.

I woke up feeling like crap. when I opened my eyes I saw many faces looking over me. "She's awake," "Really idiot," I realised the two bickering where Leo and Odette, the other where Elijah, Melissa and Jaccob. "What happened?" I asked sitting up, "well five minutes ago," Jaccob explained, "you fell to the ground after getting out of the car and you just screamed and shook." "Five minutes ago," I questioned then realised I was laying down in the Granges foyer. "We couldn't figure out what's wrong," Melissa said, "Heat, Lycan Heat." a tall man with brown neatly combed hair, dressed in a black suit walks down the stairs. "Devon sweetheart this is my husband Richard, he's the beta and a Lycan expert." Melissa introduced Beta Richards. "Devon could you please join me in the living room," Richard asked and I nodded standing up slowly and following Richard into the living room. I sat on the sofa across from Richard, everyone else followed swiftly behind. "Richard could you please explain this Lycan heat to me," I asked, "Lycan heat is quite simple you see, as you know when your a werewolf or Lycan by the age of 17 you are able to find your mate. For a Lycan a week or less before they meet there mate the body shuts down and starts heat, this lasts until you find your mate but once your are mates it happens once every year." I was quite shocked by this even Elijah who sat next to me was bewildered. "I shall be going to work now I'll be home late," Richard stood up kissed Melissa and Odette on the forehead and walked out.

"Wow," I said as I sat on the back porch next to Odette, "this is horrible." A few hours had passed since her dad was here. Every five minutes I felt a sharp pain go through my core. Odette held my hand tight, "Good news is you'll meet you Prince Charming soon." I giggled at her words. Over the past week Odette and I established that her name was off of Barbie Swan Lake and that my brother was her Prince Charming saving her from her horrible curse. "They are funny to watch," i pointed to the boys who played around in the pool, it was midway through autumn and already the air had a sharp chill to it.

"Ryder!" I looked up to see Leonardo running toward a-- this man was of pure beauty. He smelled of pine and mint, his scent drawn me to him. He wore loose fitted jeans, a black button rolled sleeves up, with the top three buttons left to reveal his toned beautifully tanned body. His blonde hair sat messily on his head, his smirk that sat on his beautiful lips made my knees go weak. "Devon, the harder you bite your lip the sooner it will break skin." Odette shook me making me turn my attention from that beautiful specimen to her. "Who's he?" I asked. "He's Ryder Michelson, the alphas son." Oh my, his father said he had been away for quite some time. "Come on the amount of testosterone in this backyard is giving me a headache," she whined pulling me up the stairs.
"So, it's cool Jaccob and I stay for tea," I asked mum through the phone. "Fine be back by 11 though," she agreed and hung up. Odette walked out of the bathroom and I held a thumbs up, she did a happy dance before sitting down next to me. "Ryders coming to dinner tonight," she said and my heart fluttered. The pains of heat still hurt me but I learnt to control it.

"Odette and Devon dinner!" Melissa yelled from the kitchen, Odette and I glanced at each other and took off down the stairs almost tripping over in the process. We walked into the dining room shoving each other while giggling. Dinner hadn't been served yet so Odette walked over to Jaccob and sat on his lap. I glanced around the table and my eyes connected with Ryders... Mate... I thought. he growled and I hummed back. "Not to be so forward but may I have a word with you outside," he asked, this got everyone's attention. I swallowed hard and nodded. He stood up and walked out the back door me following swiftly. He stopped walking at the edge of the forest and turned to me. "This... um I never thought I'd find a mate but wow your beautiful," He rubbed the back of his neck. I was weirdly unexpectedly confused and then something clicked, I gasped "Your a lycan," my voice was shaky, "Yes and so are you, Devon Salvatore ." He ran a hand through his hair making it fall out of place. "Your going through heat aren't you," he asked and that was it, all the effort it took for me to forget about the sharp pains was wasted they came back more intense then ever. I fell to the ground crippled in pain. Ryder stepped closer to me and cupped my cheek his touch sent tingle through me and I moaned at the sensation. I pushed the pain away and focused on his beautiful face. "Devon Salvatore, do you accept me as your mate," he asked and I knew the only way to stop this was for him to claim me. "Ryder Michelson, I accept you." he smiles with lust he leans down and trails kisses along my neck and once he reaches the spot of which he will use to claim me, I feel his teeth press into my skin. Pain seeps through but quickly is taken over by pleasure so much pleasure. He retracts and then engulfs me in his embraces and kisses me. The kiss has so much passion and drive, he cups my face and pulls away and says, "I'm happy I found you."

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