Sad truth

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After spending the entire night texting each other, Melania had a hard time waking up but she managed.

At school she was eager to see Liam again. Her eyes wandered around searching for him, and she did see him-kissing a very pretty blonde girl. The smile that was on her face disappeared and she felt her heart ache. She stood still and did not know what to feel.

"Melania! There you are, where the hell were you yesterday? First thing's first,I need to have your number as soon as possible,as in right now." said Camila, bringing Melania back to reality.

"Oh! I'm sorry I just wasn't myself yesterday." Melania spoke,but her attention was still focused on Liam and the blondie.

Camila noticed this "I sometimes wish I was her."

"Huh?" Melania turned to look at her, confusion clear on her face.

"You're staring at Liam and his girlfriend, Bianca. She's really lucky and very pretty."
Within a blink of an eye Camilla hugged Melania "I'm so glad to see you. I'm not letting you out of my sight today."

"How does she do that? Her mood changes so fast." But she brushed it off and hugged her back "I'm glad to see you too. I'm not leaving your side today,so don't worry."
They were walking towards their locker when someone called from behind.

"Mia, wait up." Liam

Melania turned first,then Camila followed. When Camila saw that Liam was referring to Melania her jaw dropped "You and Liam know each other?"
"Um..yeah, we'll talk about that later." Melania quickly spoke, preventing her from asking more questions.

"Hey,I was actually waiting for you." he smirked.

"Oh my God! Is he flirting with me right now? Unbelievable!" Melania thought, trying her best not to roll her eyes.
"I don't think so," she smiled "You were actually busy exploring some girl's mouth a couple of minutes ago."

"Oh,that. So,you saw."

Before Melania could say anything, Camila interrupted. "I can't believe I'm standing three feet away from the king of school. This is like a dream come true." Camila looked insanely happy.

"Here we go.." Melania whispered to herself.

Liam looked at her from head to toe
"I've seen you before-is it Karina?"

"Camila." she corrected with a wide smile on her.
"Right." was all he said.

Melania thought Camila was a little too much. It was obvious that she had a crush on him. Both Liam and Melania knew that by now.

"So,you and Camila are friends?" he asked looking at Melania

She nodded "Yeah you can put it that way."

"Lucky you got a friend soon. I'm impressed."

"What's that? a joke?"

"A compliment." he smiled

Before she could say anything, Bianca appeared "Hey babe,you seem to be enjoying yourself with whoever these girls are instead of me."
She was clearly showing that she's in charge when it comes to Liam.

"Bianca,this is Melania and Karina."


"Yeah, sorry. Camila." he repeated "And this is my girlfriend, Bianca."

"Right, I'm her girlfriend." Bianca glared at them. Melania got the feeling that she was telling them to stay away from him.

"Babe, could you walk me to class?"
"Yeah,sure." he looked at Melania "See you later, okay?"

Melania replied with a nod. When Liam and Bianca were out of sight, Camila stood infront of her "The curiosity inside me is killing me. You need to tell me everything."
"Not now. Class is about to start."
"Don't worry," Melania chuckled "we'll talk after class,I won't dodge you this time."

Later at the school cafeteria, Melania and Camila were having their lunch. "So tell me everything and don't leave out a single detail. Start by telling me how you and Liam know each other." she looked really excited.

"Why are you so excited? There's nothing to be excited about. Are you like a news reporter at this school or anything of that kind?" Melania didn't want everyone to know about her. She hated being in the spotlight.

"What? No! Ofcourse not. I hate that sector,you don't know the crappy things that exist in those journals. Don't get me started on that."
God,she talks a lot. But that's what Melania liked about her,she was charming.

"Okay! okay! I get it." Melania chuckled

"So then,start talking.. Mia." Camila played with her eyebrows.

"No, please don't. Don't call me that." Melania thought about Liam when she heard that name and she didn't want that, especially now that she knows he has Bianca as a girlfriend.

"He really does know how to pick perfect nicknames. God, he's so perfect in everything."

While Camila was lost in her daydream, Melania sat there having mixed feelings at the same time. She was sad that Liam loved someone else,hurt that they could never be together and jealous of Bianca.

What is wrong with me? I only had a crush on him, why am I still like this?

"Hey,hey are you even listening?"

"Yes,no. Did you say something?"

"I said start talking."

Five minutes later, "So you're saying that you and Liam were best friends before he moved here?" Camila looked amazed.

"Yep." Melania said popping the p.

"Whoa! Being Liam's best friend. What more could you possibly need?"

"Well,that was years ago. Pretty sure he has himself a new best friend now." Melania looked a bit disappointed.
She was right,apart from Liam having new friends he did have a best friend. His name was Aiden

"Speaking of the current best friend. Aiden,there he is."  Camila nodded the direction where Aiden was.

"That's him?" Melania asked just to be sure.

"Yeah. He's hot, isn't he?" Camila had sparks in her eyes.
Melania just chuckled, although she too agreed on that.

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