october, 2020

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to understand my story, i need to take it back a few months. 4 months exactly.

october, 2020.

i am the production manager for my schools drama club and we were putting on the annual fall play, but i needed some extra hands with lights. some hands who can help me carry spot lights up three floors of stairs to be exact.

that's where he comes in: mo. a tall, blond, green-eyed boy who is senior to me.

when i met mo, i thought nothing of him. he was just another person here to help me who wanted some easy club credit.

well, mo and i started talking (shocker). our constant back and forth games of 8-ball and word hunt was our thing.

the final week of the show rolls by and the cast takes part in our tradition of going to a different diner each night, but the crew also got to tag along.

each night before leaving rehearsal, mo walked up to me asking if i will be there tonight. almost every day my answer was no, but it was immediately followed up with his persuasion to "let loose" every once in a while.

so, i went. but when i did, it would be too late and a different girl would be sitting next to him trying to gain his attention. i never let it spoil my night.

i sat on the opposite side of the diner laughing with my friends as he kept texting me the obligatory 8-ball as he was desperate to try and get more time to talk to me.

inevitably, i told my friend, kevin, about me and mo's conversations and he immediately spills everything.

little to my knowledge, kevin and mo are good friends, but even worse, mo had talked to kevin about me.

mo told him i am "innocent yet powerful." my independence and leadership made him feel some type of way that no other girl has made him feel. my disregarding his existence when we met and treating him as a "help" instead of treating him as a god lured him.

i was giving him something no other girl had given him: no attention at all. that drove him crazy. he has always gotten any girl he had wanted, but here was some junior who could not care less about him.

well, i hooked up with him at a party a week later. and then again the following week.

when i had kissed him, i felt a spark for the first time. he made me feel something that no other person (at the time) has made me feel before. and, obviously, i made him feel the same way.

i did not have sex with mo. i wanted to, i won't lie to you, but it just never happened.

mo is a flirt. once i started digging deeper into who he was, i found nothing alarming, only the endless list of female friends he had who were in love with him. i did not want to be another one of those girls, but i was.

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