Chapter 19: "War stories"

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Miroslav's POV

It was morning, I was woken up by my alarm. I then changed, got prepared for the day and went to the cafeteria to eat my breakfast there.

Miroslav: Give me the usual.

Nevada: You got it.

She gave me my ordinary breakfast and I went to the nearest empty tab;e, I though of what should I do with the base of my house on the hill. The manjuus were doing their job, while I'm busy. And as I was thinking, my squad came to mind, I was wondering what they were doing.


Dušan: We are nearing their base, comrades. Be prepared.

The squad was in the Pacific ocean trying to fined the enemy base.

'Doc': Sir. The H.Q. wants to speak with you.

He nodded and went to the radios to speak with H.Q..

Dušan: Col. Dušan speaking.

H.Q.: Colonel, we know you are on a mission, we just wanted you to know that the 22nd Shock troop is coming with you.

Dušan: How many of them are going?

H.Q.: Their Sergeant didn't tell us anything.

Dušan: Roger that.

He then went to talk with his squad.

Dušan: We will have the 22nd accompany us.

'Bull': Great, we needed those guys.

Bull said with sarcasm.

Dušan: I'm not happy either, but orders are orders.

'Shadow': You're right about that.

He said while checking his PTRS-41.

Dušan: Are you seriously using an AT rifle against infantry?

'Shadow': The US Barrett M82 which can tear a man in half.

Dušan: Fair point.

With Miroslav...

Miroslav: Probably some shit.

I finished my breakfast and went to the hill to see how the manjuus are doing. They've managed to build the house how I wanted.

Miroslav: Wow. You did a great job, you can do whatever you want now. You deserve it.

The manjuus went their own way. I entered the house and it was nicely decorated. I went outside to take a look at the exterior. It was a nice vikendica. I will put furniture and animals inside later. I went down to the shops to but the stuff I need.


I was sitting on my carriage with the stuff in it, while my horse was going to the cabin, he was going smoothly. This brought me many stares, but did I care? When I was at my cabin, I let Bullet free and I started to get the stuff of of the carriage to my house.

Small timeskip

Miroslav: That does it.

I said trying to catch my breath. 

Hornet: When and how did you build this house?

I looked behind me and see Hornet and some other girls with her.

Miroslav: The manjuus did, not me. I just added furniture. Why are you standing there? Come inside.

I opened the door till all of the entered.

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