Chapter 3: "Lessons"

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[Location: Azur Lane base
Time: 6:59 AM, Dec. 8th, 1941
No one's POV]

Miroslav is sleeping, like every other normal person right now, with nothing or no one to interrupt his sleep.

*knock knock knock*

That is if somebody didn't wake him up.

Miroslav:(groggily) Who is it?

Belfast: It's Belfast, may I come in?

Miroslav: You may.

Miroslav gets out of bed and is wearing his normal clothes, Belfast comes in with a tray of tea.

Belfast: You sleep with your normal all-day clothes?

Miroslav: I can sleep naked on mud, is that tea for me?

Belfast: Yes, it is.

Miroslav: Well, thank you, I guess.

He takes the cup and puts it on a coffee table, he takes out a jar of....honey? and adds some in the tea.

Miroslav: Before you ask; I don't like normal tea, it doesn't have any taste, that's why I'm putting honey in it.

Belfast: Okay....

Miroslav: Surely you weren't sent here to wake me up, what do you need?

Belfast: You'd be correct, I came to give you a tour and look out for Enterprise.

Miroslav: Let me guess, she's stubborn with her health and everything?

Belfast: Yes, that's it....

Miroslav: *sigh* She is just like my cousin, always looks out for everybody and thing but not him.

Belfast: Did you manage to get some sense to him?

Miroslav: Aye, I did, and if you need some help with her you can always ask.

Belfast: That be very helpful. So shall we go.

Miroslav: Sure, and here is the teacup.

They have a tour of the base. And damn was it big, there were docks, beaches, Academy, cafeteria, dorms, hot springs which I ain't gon take a look at, shops, the royal garden many more.

Miroslav: Tell me Bel, if I may call you that, are there any animals on the island?

Belfast: You may call me like that and yes there are animals on the island, why do you ask?

Miroslav: Well.... some things.

Belfast: Okay.... wait what time is it?

Miroslav: My whatch says, 7:47.

Belfast: Well gotta wake up Enterprise. Oh! And the Queen invited you for a tea party at the royal garden, that is if you'd like to join.

Miroslav: Sure, I don't have anything else to do. Goodbye.

Belfast: Bye!

She went to the dorms, and this motherfu- our main protagonist went to the royal garden. And there were the most important royal navy ship girls, if I can call them that.

Miroslav's POV

Miroslav: Good evening ladies; Your majesty....

He did a slight bow.

Annoying brat(Queen Elizabeth): Well look who it is.

Miroslav: Listen, I didn't have my morning coffee, got my sleep time till 9 AM, and I'm not in the mood to have arguments with a kid, okay? Okay. What is you wanted to talk about, since I know I ain't invited just for a tea party, and if you trigger me I'll make this a Boston tea party. Or if you start throwing a tantrum. Now let's start the proper way.

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