I opened my eyes feeling a little of pain, I have a headache. I rubbed my eyes and see a dull room, filled with plain colours. I lean forward, this didn't look familiar. The door swing opened again and the familiar deep voice was heard again, he is angry, growling in fact. I was scared, should I get up?. Unexpectedly a scatted was made, I got up straight away. "Are you crazy?" I spit out, and he huffed. The glass was everywhere in whatever the hell I am. "Where the hell am I?" I screamed and he cringed. " Calm down 'cleanin lady" He smirked, "You finally waked up" He added. "Your the one who's ment to be calming down" I tryed to got out of bed but I felt like I was gonna throw up. "There, there Saige" He put down in the bed. "How did you my name?" I blurted. "Forms and list" he swigged his hand, what form and list?. He then walked towards me, "How are you feeling?" He asked while putting a worried expression. Why does he care anyway?, "I am fine, just please tell me where the hell am I?" I breathed. "Your in my friends room" He sat on the edge of the bed, getting his cigarette out of his pocket. "And why am I here?" putting a confused look on my face. "You needed a place to stay after you went to the hospital" I was confused "Wait, what?, I was at the hospital?" I questioned. He nodded while lighting the cigarette and placing it on his pink plump lips which made his jawline more defined. "I am going now" As I looked around grabbing my belongings which was only my bag, I got up even feeling like I was about to faint again. "Hey, hey where do you think your going?" He said while gripping on to me. I snatched my hands away from him, "Home, that's where I am going" I made my way out of the room that felt like an hour. It was a frat house there was red cups everywhere but luckily no vodka smell or anything like that. "You're welcome" the same annoying voice appeared again, and so did my confused looked. "I opened all the windows, to get rid of the smell" He smirked. "Because you know we don't want you to have an asthma attack again" He added while chuckling. "Shut up would you" I rolled my eyes. "Where's the way out?" I asked, "Walk straight then and go downstairs, turn left" He explained, as I started making my way, he gripped my hand again "How you gonna get home Madam?" He added while smirking, Oh yes, how stupid can I be?. "I'll get a bus" I smirked back at him which only last for one second, thinking about my situation right now. "Money?" He added, I buried my hand into my bag hoping there will be a couple of bucks there. "Can I?" I asked him hoping I can borrow his money, it's only gona be like five bucks, nothing right, I'll pay him back. "Yes but.." He started, until I cutted him off "Actually don't worry" thinking about that moment again and feel like a sword slash through my heart. "What? It's okay, it's only 5 bucks" He got his brown leather wallet out of his pocket. "You need to get home anyway" He explained. I sighed "Where am I?" I asked, "My friends house I told you" he explained again, giving me a confused look. "No like where am I actually? How far am I from Villydale Apartment?" I finished. "Don't tell me you are thinking of walking are you?" , "Maybe" I started making my way to the stairs. "You can't just" he said pausing looking at me like I am crazy. "Here, here" he got out his pocket again. A flashback ran through my mind "I need the money now!" The voice thunder through the house and reached the room. Ran out just to see a women hovering over and sobbing "I cant, I cant.." As something cut me off and bring me back to reality. "Saige saige" As the boy's voice come again. "Huh" I blinked quiet few times just to be back to reality. "I'll drive you" He unexpectedly carry me out, I held and grip on tightly to him and the scent of his minty cologne made me want to stay there forever. He opened his BMW, pitch shiny black and made me lay down and the back seat. "Sleep" he assigned me to do. I made my way at the back seat of the car putting my whole body up covering all the back seat. What the hell? Why am I even in this car? With him? I don't even know him. He could be a drug dealer or raper for all that matters? I am lost for words, what should I say to him? "Why you so worried there' I am not gonna kidnapped you or anything" he chuckled making his green eyes shine. Is like he can read my mind. I did a nervous laughter and cringed' which made him laugh even more. "Your really funny you know Saige" he looked back, smirking. "Ha ha very funny - " i asked remembering I don't even know his name. "What is your name anyway?" I did a serious look. "Okay I'll give you a clue" He laugh getting excited like a little kid which made me smiled. "I am basically the Prince of England" he kept his eyes on the road. "Huh?" I had no idea what he was talking about until "His name Saige" he laughed. "oh Harry!" I shouted making him pretending to loose guard of the car. "Geez didn't have to be that loud Sia" He smirked. "Hey!" I slapped his arm "Only my mother can call me that". "Sia, i like it, like the singer that sing Chandelier and now put your seatbelt on" we chuckled. After a seconds of silence, but not awkward. I don't know I am kind of enjoying this rude man company. "Do you wanna get bubble?" He asked. "What? Bubble?" I gave a confused look again. "Yeh, bubble, the drink" He said in amused tone. "Oh I don't know I really wanna go, I just wanna be back at my apartment" I told him. "Come on pleasee" he begged making the e sound long like a kid. "Please Harry, I really just wanna go back because if I don't I am gonna get fired" I told him feeling sorry for him. "Why do you work as a cleaner anyway?" Before I get to answer the question, his phone ringed and we arrived at the apartment. While he talked to the person on the phone, I opened the door without him realising it and went inside the apartment. "Saige,saige" Amanda one of the cleaner here called me. "Mr.Tyrese wants to see you at his office ASAP!" She came running to me and ran off. I sighed and chill started to made their way up my body. "Saige!" He shouted as I just made my way into the office. "Where have you been? We've just got loads of customers complaint about their room not being cleaned!" He slide his rolling chair closer to the table. "Sir it's be - " I started before he cut me off. "Listen here Miss Hastings this is a business and this is your job" He glared me. "Yes Sir I know but-" Again, he cutted me off. I felt like slapping his round ass face for all that matters. "Let me read you the code of conduct of how our workers should be like" Ugh, here we go again."First always RESPECT the customers, Second don't have any eternal relationship with any of them!!" He glared me like I did it. "Vanessa and Amanda told me they saw a young man carrying you out with his hand out of the apartment" He said angrily . "Yes Sir it was true" I explained trying to not go any further. "And why is that Miss. Hastings?" He cant cut me off this time. "It was because I had an asthma attack in his room due to smoke and I fainted" He stopped me before going any further. "Was there drug involved?" He asked. "No Sir certainly, well I don't know" I answered truthfully, Damn it , Why did I say that. He gave me a ride home. "Go on tell me the rest of this 'story'" He gave me a look. "Well after that, I don't know. I think he took me to the hospital" I explained. "Why didn't you go to the Staff Sickbay" He said. "Well I couldn't I pass out and I guess he didn't know about it" He told me to sit down. "Oh I see, Why didn't you tell me this before?" He asked and I sigh. "Well I was ab -" I said but stopped. "You know what forget it, sorry" I have had it and there was no need of explanation. "Well thank you for making this clear" He sign. "Your dismiss" I made my way out with Vanessa gave me a disgusted look, I smiled at her which got her more pissed. A wise words 'Always smile at your enemies'. I sign the tiredness hits me at once, I made my way to my room. Took a shower and went to bed. My mind wondered off to the rude boy. After day dreaming, I went on a long comfy sleep with a charming, handsome boy, Harry dancing his way all around my mind.

Fanfiction"Girls are like apples, the best ones are at the top of the trees. The boys don't want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just get the rotten apples that are on the ground that aren't as goo...