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The four stood their ground, but when almost fifteen minutes passed, San and Hong Joong insisted on sitting on the floor. "I wonder why they want to see us?" San asked. "Something is really coming." Jinyoung stated, and Amelia rolled her eyes as she looked between the two; "Well, obviously." Hong Joong interjected and gestured towards Amelia; for some reason, she found herself smiling as San narrowed his eyes towards her in disgust: "You're smiling, in hell?" He questioned.

"Give me a break; I've been in a coma for a few months; I am allowed to find things ironic." She sassed towards San, and he rolled his eyes: "I wish you'd been in a coma shorter and not in my head for so long." San complained, and Amelia frowned at him. "Well, excuse you, it's not like I had so many others to talk to." Amelia bit back, and now San laughed: "I'm kidding, most of the time, it was nice talking to you, to be honest." He confessed and smiled, making Amelia smile too. "God, you're weird." Hong Joong sighs as shook his head. Jinyoung watches Amelia and San, and he is surprised about how close they seem to be now. Against his better judgment, he got a little jealous too.

"But I wonder why the goddesses of destiny want to see us." Jinyoung said and pointed between the four, "I'm more surprised that you didn't get upset over Jackson." San said looking over at Jinyoung. "He made his bed, and now he's laying in it." Jinyoung shrugged; it still hurt, but after the loss of JayB, Jinyoung felt nothing towards his old friend. "That's a bit cold." San said, "He killed my best friend; I don't think much further than that." San shrugged in understanding. "I wonder how he died." Hong Joong murmured. "I'm guessing Zico, and he would most likely not trust any Got7 member." Jinyoung sighed, thinking about the good times, which made his heart ache. Jackson was a traitor, but he hadn't always been that either.

"I'm more curious why JongHo is with us." Amelia ends up saying. "How so?" Hong Joong questions. "No, because he's the one I know the least, but maybe he does have a greater role than one would think." Hong Joong nods and sighs: "We all clearly do." He gestured around the room.

Amelia nods and sighs along with him. Just as she is about to join San and Hong Joong on the floor, Jongho comes out of the door, looking disappointed and a bit upset. "I'm guessing he didn't like what he had been told," Jinyoung said as Jongho tried to walk, but his legs went numb.

Hong Joong and Amelia hurry over to his side to help him up, but as they see his face, he's crying, the tears stream down his cheeks: "I'm sorry." He cries out as he hugs Hong Joong tightly: "Whatever it is, I'm certain it's okay." Hong Joong says low, and Amelia feels he might be very wrong. And the look Hong Joong gave her made her know he knew that as well. "Park Jinyoung." The voice of Jay B said, and Jinyoung looked at the door and nodded.

"Our fate must not be as good as we thought," San sighed as they all watched Jinyoung walk away through the door. "Are we allowed to talk about what you saw?" Jongho sobbed as he shook his head. "I don't know what you'll see..." He starts and sighs: "No matter what we try to change, it's sadly the fate of our lives." He said. "They made sure to tell me because I questioned it." He said sadly: "Question what?" Amelia asked: "Things that will happen, things I'll do." He said, looking down: "You'll play a big part in my future, Amelia, and from now on.. I'll follow you blindly."

Amelia looked at Jongho, confused. "You will most likely see what you need to do rather than what you normally would do." He said, looking away: "And their way is clearly better than what we could come up with." He said, looking away, and Hong Joong rubbed his hair: "Whatever you have to do, Jongho, I know you'll have your reasons." JongHo looks away as Amelia sees the tears back in action. "I just wished it wasn't," Jongho sighed as Amelia was the one to wipe away his tears. "I swear, Amelia, whatever you ask of me, I will do." He clarified, looking up at her with glazed eyes.

Amelia, in her turn, pet his head now to comfort him, curious why he looked at her like that. Jongho sat on the floor, and the three were all around him now; looks like the goddesses of destiny have done a good number on him. And it had Amelia worried about what would happen next if this was Jongho's reaction.

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