Chapter 12

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Hi guys. I'm really sorry I haven't updated in a while. School got really busy and Im not feeling motivated to write anything. But now I am pushing myself to update for you guys so I can hopefully get back into the swing of it.

Y/n pov

You run up to the Madrigal's door not sure if you should knock or just sneak in. As your think the suddenly opens and reveals Delores on the other side.

"Delores? What are you doing up?" You ask her as your hand is still in a knocking position.

"Says the person who is standing outside my door in the middle of the night" she raises an eyebrow.

"But I already know why your here. I overheard everything." She looks at you sadly

"I'm sorry. I don't want to leave" you start getting teary eyed and hug Delores.

"Shhh I know you don't" she whispers as she strokes your hair.

"You should probably go see Camilo before your parents realise that your gone"

"ok. Bye Delores" you pull away and walk inside to go upstairs to Camilo's door.

"We will see each other again. I'm sure of it" she tells me as you walk away.

When you get to his door you go to knock but stop yourself.

Why am I knocking, he's asleep and he probably won't hear me.

Instead you decide to open the door silently and walk in. As you walked in you step on a creaky floor board and stop where you are.

You stay still for a few seconds then continue towards Camilo's bed which is on the other side of the room by a window.
then continue walking towards him

You look at Camilo sleeping as the moon shines on his face as you stand by his bed.

He looks so peaceful.

You don't want to wake him.

But you knew you would regret it if you didn't.

"Camilo" you whispered in his ear.

"Camilo!" you whisper shouted and started to shake him.

"Hmm." He starts moving.

"Camilo its important. Wake up!" Your now shaking him roughly.

"What? Y/n what's going on?" He looks at you sleepy eyed.

"I must be dreaming of you again." He mumbles to himself and turns around. His back is now facing you.

You face palm yourself.

"Camilo this is not a dream!!!"

That's is you stand back a couple steps then run towards him and jump on him.

He sits up immediately from the shock.

"Huh? Y/n? What time is it?" He asks you while rubbing his eyes with his hands in fists like you would imagine a baby doing.

"Its the middle of the night" you adjust you seating position so your sat on the side of his bed.

"What are you doing here in the middle of the night?" He asks you

"I um... I'm leaving" you say the last part in a whisper, looking down not being able to face him.

"Your what?" He leaned closer so he could hear you better.

"I'm moving. We're leaving tomorrow morning"

There was silence. You looked up to see Camilo with his head in his hands.

"camilo? Are you alright?" You ask putting a hand on his shoulder.

He looks up at you on the brink on tears frowning at you.

"What do you think? No! I'm not alright." He gets up from his bed and starts walking around his room.

"I finally get my best friend back only to lose her again!" he throws his hands up in the air.

You walk up to him and wrap your arms around his waist. He freezes for a moment then wraps his arms around you and hurts his head in you hair.

"Where are you going?" He talks into your hair.

"I don't know. They didn't say. But I over heard them say something about a deal and how they failed to keep there end of the deal." You pull back a bit to look up at him.

"So they could be running from someone."

"yeah. Hopefully not dangerous."

You both look into each others eyes.

"Please stay" he asks you.

"You know I can't" you whisper to him.

"I need you" he whispers. He leans forward so your for heads are touching.

You stare into his into his warm brown eyes that are filled with sadness. You realize that your both leaning forward so your noses are touching. Camilo gently rubs his nose against yours before leaning even closer.

Wait is he about to kiss me!!

But I can't do that to him. If we kiss it will be even harder to say good bye.

Just before your lips touch you pull away wishing that you didn't have to.

"Ill write you letter often" you say pulling away from him.

You look at him to see him staring at you with sadness.

He just nods his head.

You go to walk around him to walk towards his door. Before you reach the door Camilo grabs your hand.

"Good bye Hermosa" he says.

Then he brings you hand up to his mouth to give it a kiss.

"Good bye pretty boy" you after he lets go of your hand.

You turn to face the door but you just stand there staring at it.

You quickly turn around and take a few steps towards Camilo who's still watching you. You get onto the tips of toes and give him a kiss on his cheek.
The kiss last a few seconds before you pull away and walk towards the door.

You open the door and before you walk out you turn to tell Camilo something.

"Could you say good bye to everyone for me?"

"Anything for you Hermosa"

And with that you walk out his room and quietly walk down the stairs and out there front door and walk home.

You look back at the Madrigal House.

I'm going to miss them so much.
Mostly Camilo but I know I will see him again one day.

The End

Just kidding 😂.

There's more coming.
Let me know what you think. I know its not great. I actually struggle with writing its not one of my strong suits.

You see I prefer reading to writing so when I come on here I just wanna read ya know?

But I would like to thank you guys for being so patient with me.

Hopefully see ya soon!

P.S this is not proof read. Actually none of the chapter are 😂.

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