My problems

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Jackiella's Pov
I was laying on the bed thinking about what has happened to me and my sister in the last six  months,well my mom died  seven months ago and it was because of me.i was just a selfish , stubborn bitch,I killed my mom because of a movie I could just download but I was too stubborn.i murdered my own mom and I said I cared about her ,the love she had for me is something I don't deserve,I didn't even attend her burial,I ran away,I freaking ran away.when she was calling my name in the hospital,I didn't go all I did was run away ,I didn't get to tell her how much am sorry,I don't get to tell her goodbye.i am crying cause I realize how stupid I am,I regret every damn decision I made that day and week. Few days after my mom burial my dad brought a lady to the house named Flora. Anna and I thought she was a nanny,but when he told us she was his new wife,I felt so fucking broken,I felt like crying ,I felt like running away as usual,but Anna walked up to my dad and slapped him .I was shocked and also happy,my sister was the direct opposite of me,she is strong and good at hiding what she feels, the only time I saw my sister cry was on my mom burial.

Your wife,our mother, infact your wife died seven days ago,and you are saying this new bitch is your new wife .Anna yelled that night.and u say you love us.she added then she turned to the lady and told her straight to her face,he loves you,not us  so stay away from me and my little sister.she yelled at the woman and dragged me as she left the sitting room.

Anna cried that very night,I was shocked cause she never cry in front of people,even on my mom burial she hid in a place to cry ,I couldn't help it that night too so I cried too.

He doesn't love mom,I managed to say holding my tears .

I don't understand,she replied.

We cried through out the night till we fall asleep .I remember everything and it felt like yesterday,I started crying,I swear I miss my mom,Flora is nice and she is trying to get along with me and my sister Anna ,but we are just in too much pain that we didn't even care about her and she would never be like my mom,my dad also as being the best but we are mad at  him .my life just changed in seven months and it has been hell.i was crying harder then I noticed I couldn't breathe,this as been happening to me for like five  months, difficulty in breathing blah blah,it was like there is no oxygen in my room.i felt dizzy I got up from my bed and I accidently broke my night dad come into my room immediately.

What wrong berry,he asked as he held my hand. Get your filthy hands off me managed to say.

Berry,I know you are mad at me but please Jess won't be happy seeing you like this .he said looking down.

Like she is happy seeing you with another woman 7 days after her burial,Anna said as she entered inside my room.

Anna please what you girls are doing isn't fair,my dad said looking very sad,I didn't give a fuck about what he his feeling here .

Having another mom isn't fair too.i replied whispering,I can't breathe here guys my inner self yelled.

Totally right Anna added.

Would you please stop arguing and get Ella to the hospital. Flora said as she walked in.

You aren't invited here,Anna said sharply,thank you my room is not for outsiders ,I said the last statement to myself.

You are girls are my daughters anyway and anyhow even if you don't like me and don't accept me.she  said looking down.i just want us to work together as a family and get  Ella to the hospital ,she said holding her tears.

Berry would you mind if I carry dad said looking into my eyes.

No you can't,only mom and I deserve that,Anna said and she tried to Carry me but fail before Flora helped her and we went downstairs so we could go to the hospital.

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