The Clowns Here Kill P.1

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       "Thank you so much everyone for watching

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       "Thank you so much everyone for watching. Love you all, Bye," Sophie blows a kiss at the screen before turning off the camera. "I guess I need to clean up this mess," Sophie sighed as she grabbed cleaner. As she was wiping down the counter, she heard her phone ring. Looking at the contact she noticed it to be Manny trying to FaceTime her.

"Hello my beautiful blonde," Manny's voice came through the phone as his face popped up on Sophie's screen.

"Hello one of my favorite people on this earth," Sophie joked with a smile.

"Sophie you love everyone," Manny gave her a friendly glare.

"Why not, everyone deserves some kind of love," Sophie shrugged as she continued to clean.

"Anyways did you get a letter from Joey?" Manny asked.

"Letter from J-," Sophie questions before being cut off by her doorbell. "One sec, M," Sophie pauses before going to her door.

      The blonde opens her door to see a woman standing in front of her. "Letter for Miss. Sophie Williams," the woman smiled before handing the young woman a letter.

"Thanks?" Sophie returned the smile before shutting her door and walking back to her phone. "Manny, you know that letter you were talking about, I think I just got mine," Sophie told him.

"Great, read it and see what it says," Manny smiled before continuing to apply his makeup.

"My friends I am going on an extraordinary adventure and I am in need of your help and so are hundreds of others," Sophie read.


"I have a letter for you," the mailman said before hand Nikita a letter.

"Bitch, where's my burger? I did not order this," Nikita responded but the mailman walked away.


"My, friends I'm going on extraordinary adventure and I'm in need of your help and so are hundreds of others. Oh, bitch what?" Manny questioned with a sigh before applying more lip gloss.


"This is not an invocation to a ball or a dinner party, it's an invitation to embark on a dangerous mission. Ok! That's me!" Roi shouted as he brushed his teeth.


"It may sound impossible but there's a town trapped in the 1970s, and very soon everyone in it will be dead unless, we doing something about it," Teala continued to read her letter.


"There's a dark séance that will take us back in time but for it to work you must choose a personality reminiscent of that era and dress like them," JC read as he sat in his couch.

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