The Clowns Here Kill P.2

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        Sophie let out a gasp for air

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        Sophie let out a gasp for air. Her throat burned from screaming. "You ok?" Matt asked Sophie. The blonde gave him a small nod in response.

Matt: It wasn't bad. It was warm and tingly.

"Guys, look over there," Joey pointed over to a big red curtain.

Safiya: In the distance we see this bridge and an arch that says 'Town of Everlock'. So, that seems like where we should go.

Sophie gripped tightly onto Mat and Manny's hands as the group walked over to where the arch was. Suddenly, a creepy clown jumped out from behind the curtains. Sophie screamed like everyone else as she buried her head into Matt's chest. 

Sophie: Everyone knows the two things that scare me the most are clowns and dolls.

  "It's your lucky day! The carnivals in town!" the clown screamed.

Joey: I can deal with vampires, I can deal with werewolves and all sorts of other things. But clowns? Why has it gotta be clowns?

Colleen: Are clowns anyones favorite thing? Like no one likes clowns.

Matt: I find clowns delightful.

   "We have a strong man, a snake woman, dolls with knives! It's like bloody Christmas everyday!" the clown cheered. "We will be friends soon! I gotta good feeling about that," the clown smiled creepily. "Enjoy the ride!" the opened the red curtain for the group to walk through.

Sophie tucked herself closer to Matt as they walked through the curtain.

Ro: Curtains open, and I'm seeing a cute retro carnival.

"Sophie it's ok," the blonde heard Matt's voice. Sophie opened her eyes and untucked herself from Matt's chest. Soon she had a big smile on her face as Sophie's eyes lit up in awe.

"What's there to save? This all looks fun," Colleen asked. Before everyone started screaming as a spider crawled out of a woman's mouth.

Sophie: After being disgusted by that lady and her spider this hot, guy walks up to me. Me!

    "Hey foxy mama, how are you?" the man asked Sophie as he placed a gentle kiss on the back of her hand.

"Hi," Sophie mumbled as she blushed before Matt gently pulled her away, glaring at the man.

"Woah, where you going tonight, huh?" the man questioned as he grabbed Sophie's other hand pulling her back.

Nikita: Ok, so some homeboy approached us AKA approached Sophie and I'm like, oh my god, like, you're kind of, like, everything. GO SOPHIE YOU BAD B*TCH!

    "Who are you?" Nikita asked the man.

"I'm Mortimer," he introduced himself.

"He's lying!" Roi spoke up causing the group to laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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