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riley wasn't fully expecting to actually become friends with calum again, but she thought it woudn't be too hard considering that they went to the same school (but thankfully didn't have any classes together) and lived approximately 7 minutes and 42 seconds apart walking distance (they had calculated when they were younger).

and no, she also didn't expect that the day after the gala that calum would drive by in his beat up pickup truck and honk the horn at 9:30 in the morning.

"jesus h. christ, why is that boy out there honking at this hour!" riley's mom yelled in frustration, causing riley to stir even more in her sleep. her mother raced upstairs and burst through riley's door, causing riley to groan and bury her face in her pillow. "riley, calum is here in some old junker and he keeps honking. can you please tell him to stop and come back later?" she paused for a moment. "or you could just leave too. either is fine with me."

"you just want me out of the house," she grumbled back.

her mother kept silent for a few seconds before nodding her head. "yes, that's exactly what i want. now go make that boy happy and let me sleep some more."

she tore the covers off riley's body and hummed contently, opening riley's blinds so that the piercing sunlight nearly blinded them both.

"get up, get up, get up, get up," she sang, before exiting the room.

not bothering to clean up her nasty bedhead or horrible breath, she stomped downstairs and outside in her bunny slippers, not really caring what calum or her neighbors would think of her.

calum was waiting for her on the side of the curb, leaning against his truck like a cowboy would. "well, hello there. you look, um... great?"

riley rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. "what are you doing here and waking up the whole neighborhood this early in the morning?"

"it's like, 9:30 on a sunday. if you were still sleeping i'm judging you. then again, you always used to sleep a lot so it would be likely."

she hated that he remembered that about her. she also hated that he acted as if he were always right and that no one in this goddamn neighborhood would still be sleeping if it weren't for his loud ass horn.

"okay, so what do you want?"

"i want to take you to the city for lunch or something. you know, so we could catch up?"

"oh, hell no. i'm busy."

"doing what?"

"i have to take my dog on a walk."

"you don't have a dog," calum pointed out, smiling slightly at her horrible excuse.

"we just got a new one. from the pound. his name is buster," riley retorted, even though it was far from true. she could say that she was going to take her fish for a walk, but for some reason she didn't think calum would fall for that.

"yeah? can i meet him?"

riley bit her lip and frowned. "no, he's really sick. maybe even dead by now. but you'll be the first to meet him once he's better. sorry i can't go, bye!"

as she started to turn away, calum grabbed her arm and spun her around, making her heart speed up to a ridiculous rate. "so, tell me riley. enlighten me, actually. why would you take your sick and nearly dead dog on a walk?"

"we don't have a dog!" a voice shouted, and riley turned to see her mom poking her head out from the front door. "go," she mouthed to riley, who rolled her eyes for the umpteenth time.

"fine, i'll go get ready," she muttered, leaving calum with a smirk on his face and riley with a scowl that would take more than just a good lunch to wipe away.


hola mis amigos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

finally updated again hoo ha

what's everyone up to?? i'm on spring break hbu??

question! when does everyone get off for summer? mine is like june 24 ugh

alright enjoy and i'll see you soon i love you :-)

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