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they were in love.

they would spend hours on the ledge outside his bedroom window, the one that allowed you to see as far as the outskirts of new york city. they would laugh and talk about their childhood memories, because they had lived each one together.

however, it wasn't always this way.

in fact, let's rewind to three years prior to this blissful time to a completely different point in their lives.

"i hate you!" the girl screamed, trying to slam the door in his face. he stuck his foot in the door to keep it from closing and pushed it back so his full face came into view.

"no you don't," he scoffed, rolling his eyes. "you're just mad because i'm right. besides me, your friends are lame and you shouldn't be hanging out with them. they're losers, and they make you look bad. especially that luke kid, i don't like him."

the girl's eyes shot daggers through his perfect face as he wore a calm expression. he was freaking impossible.

don't get me wrong, she loved him, but in a completely friendly way. they've been inseparable since second grade, through every tear and laugh. he was the one who beat up the boys who made her cry and she was the one he went to for girl advice.

"calum, those are my friends you're talking about. what's so bad about them?" she spat, shoving him back.

he blinked a few times, obviously surprised by her small act of violence. "they're losers. they ruin your image. i'm just trying to help you, ry. if you ditched them you'd be more popular. you'd be invited to more parties and be able to smoke weed and drink alcohol without looking pathetic and - "

"i don't care about all that!" she interrupted, almost pulling out her hair in aggravation. "but if all you care about is your damn reputation and how my friends will affect you, then you can get out of my life and go find another popular best friend."

he gave her an odd look, one that she recognized as scheming and thoughtful. "alright, fine. i'll leave, but you're going to regret pushing me away. have fun with those little friends of yours." his tone was so emotionless that it sent shivers down her spine, even though she knew that he was leaving empty threats hanging in the air.

he turned on his heel and walked down the driveway so quickly that he almost tripped and fell. she felt tears welling up and slammed the door shut before collapsing to the ground.

at the time she had thought that this was another one of their pointless arguments that would be resolved within the next twenty four hours. whenever the argument was "his fault" he would take her to the bowling alley because he knew that she could easily kick his ass, and whenever it was "her fault" she would take him to the arcade, where he would spend at least $100 on tokens to play every single game at least twice.

the pair knew each other inside and out. he always knew when she was lying or being sarcastic and she always knew when he was angry or wanted something. but this was the first time she was actually worried that this wouldn't blow over and he would hate her forever.

when he didn't call the next day, she knew she was right. this wasn't one of their twenty four hour fights, and she spent the whole day snuggled in a blanket while watching disney movies.

by the following week, she knew something was definitely up. they couldn't simply argue over something as stupid as who she was friends with and not talk ever again. she secretly hoped that the reason for his long silence was that he was planning one of his "it's all my fault and i'm trying to make it up to you" ideas.

she laughs at the mere thought of it now.

he had planned something, all right. the next day when she entered school, she felt the atmosphere shift immediately. people stared at her with wide eyes and whispered amongst one another. when she marched up to him at the end of the hallway, he was laughing with one of his popular friends. and they were laughing at her.

"what did you do?" she shouted, hitting him in the shoulder so he stumbled back.

he rolled his eyes, pretending to rub his shoulders in mock hurt. his friend continued to laugh, only louder this time. "i'm offended that you immediately think it's my fault," he pouted, "but sorry, i don't talk to sluts." he smirked, turning away and laughing loudly with his friend.

she froze and the blood drained from her face. she suddenly felt dizzy as tears welled up, and she tried her best to keep them from falling. he knew that she's only had a few boyfriends and the longest relationship she's had only lasted two months.

it was a rumor. a rumor that involved her hooking up with her "lame" friends. he had started a wildfire that couldn't be contained, and she ended up dreading school every single day because of what he'd done.

but it was all supposed to be a joke.

he called her a few days later and left countless text messages, all of which she didn't bother to read. she knew he felt guilty for what he had done and acted too quickly out of anger, but he deserved it. whenever she would see him in the halls or in class, she would immediately look away and avoid eye contact.

it was all just a joke to him, and once he had gotten the satisfaction of seeing her upset, he immediately regretted everything. he knew he had gone too far.

he ruined her life, and she was more than happy to have him out of her life.

but somehow those who are most significant in your life happen to find a way back.


ha ha ha guess what i did

i rewrote 10:53 because i actually read the story over again and cringed because it was sO BAD

i know a lot of you are mad at you but oops??

so here is the new and hopefully improved version

wish me luck hope you enjoy !!!

10:53 [calum hood] - newWhere stories live. Discover now