b r a s s b u t t o n s

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p r o l o g u e

"Lee, Lee, wake up. We're going to miss it!"

"Five more minutes Jackson! Please just five more!" Suddenly, I feel the sheets being rudely stripped away from my body, letting the cool air whip at my skin. "C'mon Jack! Why did you have to do that?" I whine, curling up in a ball, trying to preserve as much heat as possible.

"Because," he says, a pout filling his voice, "I don't want to miss Aaron's interview."

"You see him everyday, why is this one so important?" I mutter.

"Because." He emphasizes, giving me his usual answer. At nine years old, he thinks that "because" explains everything.

"Okay fine, give me two minutes to change."

"Perfect!" Jack replies, giving me his signature toothy grin. He crawls up in his hospital-regulated bed and turns on the TV. I quickly change into some jeans and a t-shirt and hop into his bed with him, careful not to jostle any of the wires.

After a quick commercial, the face of Aaron Tanner appears on the screen.

"So Aaron, congratulations on your newest album, Promises. I listened to it yesterday and it sounds fabulous."

"Thank you Robin," he replies, giving her his signature smirk that makes all the girls fall at his feet.

"There's this rumor going around that you've canceled your tour which was set to begin in March. Is this true?" I can see the uneasiness in flash in his eyes before he returns to his confident self.

"Unfortunately Robin, the rumors are true. Some family issues have come up and I have decided to postpone the dates of the tour until later. I am truly sorry to my fans but family always comes first."

"That's very noble of you Aaron," Robin's eyes softening as she diverts her conversation to another topic, clearly aware of Aaron's uneasiness. Suddenly, I hear a gasp. I look to Jack and see anger in his little eyes.

"How could he cancel his tour?" his voice radiating anger. "That was everything to him!"

"Jack..." I begin. I hear him sigh.

"He's doing this because of me isn't he," his anger quickly turning into sadness.

"No Jack he's doing this for himself. Your brother just needs a break that's all." I say trying to reassure him. One look in his eyes though, and I know that he knows that Aaron is canceling his tour for him. Just like I dropped the tour for him. What Jack doesn't understand is that Aaron I would do anything for a little more time with our little brother. We know that we don't have much time left to enjoy his beautiful innocent smile, because Jackson, my perfect little brother, who is the most forgiving, kind, and loving person in the world is dying.

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