h a t e

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c h a p t e r t h r e e

Summer. There were exactly five minutes left until summer break. Five excruciatingly long minutes of pencils scribbling down final answers on the final exam of the year. Five minutes until I would have to go home and pack for Los Angeles. Five... four... three... two... one... the end of school had finally arrived. Cheers went up from the entire classroom. I felt like I was in my own personal High School Musical. I calculated that I had somewhere around three hours to get home and pack for the flight out. I admit, I was a little jealous of Aaron for being able to fly out yesterday to get his speech ready for some gala. I struggled against the masses of teenagers ready to start their summer, and finally made it to my car. As I drove out of the parking lot, I realized that I was driving straight into my own personal hell. I was about to spend the next three and half months of my life with my parents. How would I ever survive?

When I arrived at the house, I immediately realized something was wrong. My father's car wasn't in the driveway and my mom hadn't pulled her car out of the garage yet, even though we only had three and a half hours until our flight, which meant my usually OCD and control freak mother would have already had the car out by now.

I grabbed my keys from my purse and headed inside. "Mom! I'm home!" I called out. I dropped my keys in the key drop and noticed that there were no suitcases by the door. Something was definitely off.

"Hey honey, how was your last day?" my mom asked, kissing my cheeks.

"Fine. What's going on here? Aren't we flying out today?" I noticed my mom stiffen up. I was instantly worried.

"What is it? Is something wrong with Aaron?" I asked, my voice rising a bit.

"No, no, honey he's fine," my mom rushed to explain. "It's just that..." I could tell she was nervous. She took a deep breath, "your father has some business and we are going to stay here," she rushed. I was shocked. The first thought that came to my head was joy that I wouldn't have to spend my summer with my overbearing parents. However, that was quickly replaced by anger.

"Are you freaking kidding me? He has business? He can't take a short break to go see his son perform?"

"Honey," my mom practically begged, "It's a really big deal."

"Sure it is," I seethed. "Just like the last time he had a really big deal and missed my fourth grade talent show, Aaron's first out of state performance, Jackson's birthday!"

"Allie, calm down. He said he would explain when he got home." I waved her off.

"He might as well not bother. I know where his priorities lie, in his precious deals instead of his family!" And with that, I stormed off to my bedroom. I couldn't believe, scratch that, I could believe that he would miss Aaron's first concert back. I angrily threw clothes the first clothes I saw into my suitcase, not bothering to see what they were. After I had filled my suitcase to the point it looked like a clothing volcano, I flopped down on my bed and closed my eyes.

I wake up to a sound only identifiable as screaming. Not the good kind that is associated with winning and joy, the type that sends chills all the way through your bones. I scramble out of bed as fast as I can and run towards the screaming. I enter my brother's room to already see Aaron leaning over a small body hunched over in pain. Aaron's head snaps up as soon as he hears me enter the room. "Call 911, now," he orders, fear clouding his eyes. I reach for the emergency phone on Jackson's wall. "911, what's your emergency?"

"I need an ambulance at 332 Foster Ave." I gave her a few more details and hung up. I quickly move over towards Jackson's bed where Aaron has already attached an oxygen line to Jack. Jack is gripping the sheets, tears streaking his face as he tries to drag oxygen into his lungs. I can see the fear in Aaron's eyes. We don't know what else to do. Finally the ambulance arrives. On the way to the hospital, I call my parents, but it keeps going straight to voicemail. When I get to the hospital, they tell me that Jack is in ICU, and that his lungs had been filling up with mucus faster than usual.

"Can I see him?" I ask the doctor.

"Once he is stable I'll let you see him," he nods. I go back to the waiting are where Aaron in sitting, his head in his hands.

"Did you reach mom or dad?" he asks.

"No. It went straight to voicemail all ten times," I say dejectedly. Aaron groans. He pulls out his phone and tries again, although I knew his attempts are futile.

After what feeling like a lifetime, the doctor finally lets us in to see Jack. A gasp and turn my head into Aaron's shoulder when I see my little brother. There are so many wires and tubes plugged into him. We run over to the bed and grab his hands, careful not to disturb any of the wires keeping him alive. Jackson groans and squeezes my hand. I help him pull the mask away from his face.

"Hey buddy," I say, trying to put on the bravest face I can manage, "what do you want?"

"Daddy. Where's daddy Lee Lee?" he coughs. I look to Aaron who is on his phone trying to reach our parents. He shakes his head.

"He'll be here soon bud. Anything else?"

"Just mommy and daddy," he whispers as he drifts back to sleep. Tears sting my eyes. I feel completely helpless and angry at my parents for abandoning us right now. I end up not seeing my parents for three days due to one of my dad's "business" retreats. Just one of the many times they wouldn't be there when we needed them the most.

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