Chapter eleven

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Jenna was staring at a green headed girl. She was wearing a while bodysuit with orange gloves, boots, and a scarf. She was sitting in front of the huge TV eating bag of potato chips. She was smacking really loud until a muscular man grabbed the chips and crushed them in annoyance. "Kensei why you do that for!?" She yelled as she frailed around on the floor. "You're so darn annoying, why you can't eat chips like a normal person!" He yelled as she pouted. The man had silver hair and He was wearing a purple shirt and green cargo pants with combat boots.

Jenna was more interested in the piercings on his ear and eyebrow. He noticed her staring and frowned. "What are you staring at?" He said more loudly then he intended to be. Jenna jumped a little bit and twilled her hair. "S-Sorry...I didn't mean to stare." She said silently. The man quickly felt a small tug at in his chest. She looked so sad and yet so cute. He blushed then quickly shook his head. "Ah crap...why are we here?" The girl in the green quickly popped up. "Kensei you dummy how can you forget? We are on a mission! Stop falling in love with the target!"

10 minutes earlier

"Why can he never wait for us!" Grimmjow said running after him. Jenna was asleep on the couch with an ice pack on her head. Kisuke put a thin blanket around her. "I wonder how long it took her to burry all those memories..." He said to himself. Yoruichi placed a hand on his shoulder. "Is she going to be alright here by herself?" Kisuke got up. "I am not sure but right now we need to stop Ichigo from doing anything to rash. I can put up a small barrier to cloak her house for a bit until we get back." They left quickly to stop Ichigo from destroying their prime suspect.

Just after they left Jenna woke up. She yawned and went to the kitchen to make her some tea. Her head felt better and for the first time in two months she felt at peace. She felt a peaceful aura around her then around her stomach. She wonders if it was that same guy who saved her last time. Maybe she could talk to him. She looked around to see if anyone else was in the house. She sighed and decided to give it a shot. "Um...Hi Mr. um....what should I call him? It would be rude just to say Mr. Hollow or Mr. Shadow. name is Jenna. Can you tell me your name?" There was silence in the air but the aura still lingered. "Hey it is okay to tell me your name right? There is no one else in here but me and you." Nothing happen.

She was feeling a bit embarrassed from talking to herself. "Okay if you don't tell me your name then what would you like me to call you? Will Mr. Hollow do?" She felt something tight wrap around her. "Ow...ok maybe Mr. Shadow?" The grip loosens so she figures that he liked it. "Okay Mr. Shadow I don't really know what to say since I don't know where to start." "Day..." She looked around. "Day? You want to hear about my day?" There was a light tug at her waist. She smiled and nodded. There wasn't much to say but she felt really comfortable and happy that she was at least talking to him.

A few minutes passed by and Jenna was on her second cup of tea. She heard the door open and couple of footsteps started walking to the kitchen. She didn't move since she thought was Ichigo. "Hey Kensei that was a pretty lame barrier to break into right ha-ha. Oh, she is in here! Ew...there is something foul around her!" Jenna turned to see two people walk in the kitchen. She was quickly grabbed and thrown on the couch in the living room. "Listen girl we don't want any trouble so just listen and then agree to our terms." Jenna was still a little shaken up from being transported to the kitchen to the living room in a quick manner. "U-Um ok?" she said trying to stop the room from tilting from her dizziness. The girl with him had brought out a bag of chips and had started to eat them which quickly annoyed him which lead him to forget what they had come to do in the first place.


"Crap...Mashiro this all you fault!" The girl pouted and started too frail. "You are such a butt face Kensei! You're the one who forgot what we came here to do and you are the one who is falling in love so quickly!" An angry vein popped out on his forehead. "I am not the only one to forget!" he says as he smashed the table. Jenna jumped and he quickly brought his temper down. "S-Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." Mashiro laughed "You didn't even deny that you was falling in love with her! You such a dummy!" He got angry again as he smashed a small chair that was near him. "Um...can you tell me why you're here?" Jenna said before anymore of her things got smashed.

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