Chapter Sixteen

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Ichigo was sitting in the living room with the other soul reapers. The words from Jess. 'I'm a witch.' Kept replaying to him again and again. 'It would explain why her spiritual energy is a bit out there...but still...a witch?' He says to himself. "Ichigo." 'Now the question where did she come from.' "Ichigo!" 'Does Jenna know what she is?' "ICHIGO!" Ichigo suddenly felted a slap to the back of the head. "Ow! What the hell!" He rubbed his head and looked up to see a fuming Rukia. "I've been talking to you for a while now! Get your head out of the gutters!" Renji smacked him in the back of the head again. "So it was you..." Ichigo says as his eyes twitch. "This is no time for you to space out. We couldn't get here because of the swam of hollows so we have no clue what's going on. We need information Ichigo..." Renji says in a serious tone making Ichigo look at him in surprise "'s weird to see you so serious." An angry mark appeared on his head. "The last month is approaching and we had less answers to the questions we need answer. We are running out of time...I don't want to lose Jenna either you know." Toshiro sighed. "Okay so tell us what happened." Ichigo nodded and recapped everything that happened.

"Grimmjow was here and he had Jenna by her throat. He said he had remembered what his mission was, which I am guessing, had to be to get rid of Ulquiorra, Jenna, and the baby." Ichigo says. Toshiro frowned. "Why does he want to kill Ulquiorra? Aren't they on the same side?" "When Ulquiorra came, he stopped Grimmjow." They looked at him. "What do you mean?" Renji asked. "I mean he saved Jenna." Ichigo says. "Grimmjow started going off about how Ulquiorra should have forgot about his past. Something about betraying them for a human and how his ways have alerted all of us, leaving himself to clean up the mess." "Then that means Grimmjow really was working for Aizen. Something happened to make him regain his memories. Maybe being in the presence of Ulquiorra jolted them somehow." Toshiro says.

"So Grimmjow came to kill them. Failed. Now he left to report to Aizen maybe?" Renji says. "We don't know yet. I sent the others out to find him and if possible to kept him alive. "Go on. What happened next?" Orihime said in a worried tone. She wanted to go up to Jenna but Ichigo stopped her since Jess was up their doing whatever it is she do. "Well during that time Jenna must have remembered something about Ulquiorra. Something that deep down in her memories. It made her ask him for the truth." Ichigo bends over and crosses his fingers. "Ichigo?" Orihime says. "The good news is that Jenna isn't going to die..." They looked shocked at that. "Wait how do you know?" Renji asked. "Ulquiorra said so." "So, you're just going to take his word for it!?" Renji asked angrily. Ichigo turn around and looked at him. "What choice do I have! The moment I was going to fight him he said that if I killed him then Jenna will die as well! Do you think I want to believe that!?" Ichigo yelled out in anger. "In some since he kept tell me that I needed to protect him and Jenna..." Toshiro's eyes narrowed. 'Could it be...' Uryu pushed his glasses up. "Okay so for now we believe what Ulquiorra said. When you say good news, bad news is always sure to be behind." Ichigo looked at him and sighed. "Jenna found out who killed her parents." Orihime gasp. "It was Ulquiorra..." Renji grabbed him by the shirt. "...and you want to trust this bastard! The same one who killed her parents!?" He yelled. Ichigo looked down and pulled away from Renji. "Would you shut think I'm not just as pissed off! Ulquiorra is making Jenna go through all this pain because he doesn't want to be forgotten by her anymore! He is doing everything in his power just so she doesn't erase her again! How the hell do you think I feel when I can't protect her when she's in danger! She's upstairs now suffering because all her memories came back all at once!"

Renji was taken back a bit. "Wait...Jenna got her memories back?" Toshiro asked. "What do you mean by forget and erase him...?" Rukia asked. The living room became tense as Ichigo tried to calm his anger down. Suddenly the door started to open by itself. Everyone looked toward it. Renji, Rukia, and Toshiro grabbed their swords ready to attack. They waited until they heard a small meow. They blinked and looked down to see a black cat with a pentagram necklace around its neck, strolling in. "W-What..." They watched as she sat down wiggly her tail. "Is that... Yoruichi?" Orihime says blinking. They then hear someone walking down the stairs. They turned to see Jess walking down. Renji eyes scanned her up and down. "Ichigo...who's that woman?" Ichigo sighed. "That's Jess...Jenna's friend." Jess ignored them for the moment. "I knew you would follow me here, never can stay away from me, can you?" The cat made a chuffed noise. Jess smiled and walked back upstairs. "Come Sabrina." The cat, Sabrina, raced up the stairs after her leaving everyone in a bit of a baffle.

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