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Maiyuu woke up to her alarm.

6 am.

She had set the alarm when she woke up at about one in the morning.

When she woke up at one, her eyes were wet and her throat was sore. She would have either been crying in her sleep, screaming or both!

She mentally told herself to go and apologize to her neighbors later on.

The door to her apartment clicked shut.

Maiyuu wouldn't have noticed it if everything else wasn't quiet.

Her heartbeat suddenly spiked and she started taking long, deep breaths to calm the sudden feeling of terror.

"A food parcel will arrive every morning, do not question why." her Grandmothers words echoed in her ears, giving her a reasonable explanation on why someone was in her apartment.

Or, maybe not that reasonable. Maiyuu didn't know who it was that organizing the parcels and honestly Maiyuu didn't want to know.

She had to get ready for school, as well as now make breakfast so her food wouldn't go off.

If she was completely honest she didn't really know how she was living here. Maiyuu was pretty sure her Grandmother was paying for everything.

But she was also pretty sure that her Grandmother was normal.

So that's how on one cold Tuesday morning Maiyuu found herself questioning her sanity.

Maiyuu arrived at school and rushed to 1-B. She was only a few minutes late because this food package was so much bigger than yesterday's one.

"Oh would you look at that, the quiet kid is late." a snobby voiced drawled.

"Lay off her Zara, all you do is bully her." Someone piped up.

Maiyuu looked around, not recognizing the voice.

Zara also looked around before refocusing on Maiyuu, curling her lip a little.

"Even those who "like" you are too embarrassed to really show themselves." she stated, drawing a few laughs from her friend.

Zara was your classic High School Bully: petty, snobby, rude, devious.

Amazingly pretty though.

Stunning blue-grey eyes, long curly brown hair, tall and slim, skin that's so flawless and shiny any other girl would kill for it.

Metaphorically, Maiyuu hoped.

"Who, like, thought that you'd make, like, friends?" one of Zara's friends, Charlotte, asked

"I want to know that too," Charlotte and Zara's best friend Billie asked.

Billie: pale skinned, blonde hair so light it looks almost white-ish gold. Bright blue eyes, slim.

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