6) Tea and Tests of Faith

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Terra wandered alone in the city. It was dark and deserted. Virtually no one was around except for the occasional homeless person. She strode purposefully around, glancing around with a grim expression on her face.

"How hard can it be to find a super villain?" she wondered aloud. She heard movement behind her, and turned around slowly. A figure stood in a darkened alley in front of her.

"Well now my dear, you really shouldn't be out this late on your own," the voice was dangerously soft. "You could get hurt."

"Shut up Slade," Terra clenched her fists. The figure stepped out of the alley. He towered over the blonde by several feet. His costume was almost entirely black with metallic shin, thigh, and arm guards. A mask that was half black, and half orange covered his face. On the orange side of his mask was a single eye.

"Well now if it isn't my old apprentice," Slade's one eye narrowed. "Come to finish what you started?"

"Actually no," Terra crossed her arms. "I want to make a deal with you."

"I'm listening," Slade advanced towards the Titan.

"I want you to help me get rid of Raven," Terra informed him.

"Why am I not surprised?" Slade chuckled. "You see her as competition for Beast Boy's affection."

Terra's eyes widened, "How did you...?"

"Dear child I make it my job to know as much about my arch nemeses' as possible," Slade replied. Terra blinked a few times. "So what did you have in mind?"

"Well," Terra cleared her throat. "Beast Boy and I are going on a date tomorrow. Raven will follow us because she doesn't trust me."

"And I wonder why that is?" Slade's malicious voice was sarcastic. Terra glared at him.

"We'll go to the park," she continued. "Once we get to the spot next to the plateau, you will come out and try to strike us. Raven, being the loyal Titan that she is, will push us out of the way, and get the full blow.

This will send her into the plateau and knock her unconscious. I will use my powers to loosen the rocks on the plateau so that they fall down and crush her. You will punch the ground, and I will make a fault line appear and travel towards her. She will fall in, and be crushed."

Slade pondered for a few moments before speaking, "There are a few flaws with your plan dear girl." Terra scowled. "First of all, how do you even know Raven will follow you to the park?"

"Oh she will," Terra replied. "But make sure you see her before attacking us."

"You also did not consider the possibility that Beast Boy will choose to help Raven," Slade's eye narrowed again as he said this.

"I'll just tell Beast Boy to stay with me," Terra shrugged.

"He may still choose Raven," Slade replied.

"No he won't," Terra yelled.

"If you say so," Slade held up his hands in mock defeat. "However if he does choose Raven, you will have to accept the consequences of his choice." Terra nodded.

"He won't choose her," she replied. Slade shrugged, and backed into the shadows. Terra turned and headed back towards Titan Tower.

- Scene Break -

Raven sat in the Titan's living room trying to read. Her hands were shaking slightly, and her heart was pounding in her chest. She hadn't seen Beast Boy yet, and was anticipating his reaction. She hoped he wouldn't laugh at her, or avoid her

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