Chapter 2

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The window pressed against my forehead and warmed my skin as we bumped along the French countryside to le Château, the song I would be performing running through my mind. Every time I tried to talk to or look at Mother she would glare and look out the window at the passing countryside, which was fine. We wouldn't be in the carriage much longer.

With my Father being one of the King's advisors and me formerly being a regular performer in court, we lived quite close to the palace. In a matter of minutes, we heard two quick knocks on the wood towards the front, the signal that we were arriving at our destination. Despite my nerves, I looked out the window at the beautiful stone palace, red in the setting sun. Though I used to come here to sing a few times a month the sight of the majestic walls always took my breath away. I straightened my gown anxiously, sitting up taller and Mother did the same. In the golden light, I studied her. She had beautifully carved features with few wrinkles and not one grey streak in her perfect blonde hair. In my youth I had thought she looked like Titania the fairy queen; now she was more like Katherina, loud and shrewd. But sometimes kind... Sometimes.

When we rolled up the main road to the entrance of the palace the sun was almost set and guests swarmed the grounds. Of course, I knew that there would be a lot of patrons tonight but the nerves still clawed at my belly making me a tad nauseous. Thoughts of the Prince and our last words to each other made my stomach churn but if I wanted my career to go on, I had to take advantage of these great opportunities. But I didn't care for the Prince. Not anymore. I believed his father, our King, was a fair man who loves his province and his mother, his Queen, was a graceful, smart woman with beauty and charm beyond compare. Why was I so stuck on their son?

I brushed my thoughts away as I was helped out of the carriage into the smell of flowers and the cool evening air. We were escorted into the ballroom where I would be performing. There were guards lining the walls and servants marching around the room serving food and drink. In the center of the room, there is a huge crystal chandelier providing light and beauty. The sheer size of the palace and the classy decor frankly made my family's manor look like a doll's house. There were long oak tables filling the room and providing a place to enjoy the wining and dining provided by the castle.

The room suddenly went silent as it was announced that I had arrived to sing. People knew me as the child prodigy who had become a court regular by the age of ten. I moved towards the royal family at the end of the room, blushing and looking at the floor. I acknowledged the royals on their thrones; the fair king, the charming queen, and... Anton, the Prince. I avoided eye contact with him and turned around to start singing. I looked at all of the eager-faced nobles and slowly exhaled, then I began.

The song started out deep and slow then grew into a loud and magical piece. The high notes I hit with passion, the low notes I filled with my deepest emotions. When I was near the end of the song I felt my heart lighten. I ended with an impressively high and complex scale then collapsed to the ground in a bow. The party erupted in applause and cheers and I stood back up and gave a small curtsy to each member of the royal family in turn. The Queen smiled brightly and the King gave a nod. Then Anton, who was just staring at me. I quickly cooled the blush rising in my cheeks and pivoted back towards my audience. When the crowd finally went back to their socializing I stepped into the crowd. I scanned the crowd and found my mother and father talking to a regal-looking couple in the corner. I focused on them and walked gracefully in their direction.

"My dear, you did wonderfully!" My mother exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air and kissing me. I smiled and turned to my father who put a hand on my cheek.

"It has been a while darling." He said softly. I smiled and nodded as he removed his hand and turned to the couple they were previously speaking to. The man took my hand and gently kissed it and the woman, a rounder lady, giggled.

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