~CHAPTER 1: The Beginning~

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"The Beginning"


"Father?" my son called

"Yes my son?" I asked

"Can you tell that story again?" he said

"What story?" I curiously asked

"The story of the Curse Dragon?" he answered

"Alright then... long time ago...."

-The land of Kazereth was a peaceful continent in the world, with the 3 races living on it, the Elves, the one that we called the elders, because their lifetime can reach until the 10 of your next generation, the Dwarves, known as the craftsmen, they might be small, but they have a big brain, and us Men

-All of us live in peace and harmony not minding any problems in our own life, not until the Dark Mountain in Devunkory starts to erupt, nobody got scared to it, because they only think that it is natural for a volcano to erupt

-But we didn't know that during the eruption of the Dark Mountain, an Evil was born, and we call it....

"The Curse Dragon" my son answered

"Yes you're right"

-When the Cursed Dragon was born, we entered a new Chapter in Kazereth, and that is what we called the Reign of Chaos Chapter, because the Cursed Dragon had the power to create life, and using it, he created his own minions of darkness, Orcs... Trolls... Urukhais... Goblins... and many scary creatures that was giving the people of Kazereth fear

-The Cursed Dragon fly around the entire Kazareth setting fear to its people, destroying former kingdoms, villages, and killing innocent peoples, along with its minions

-That is why the four kingdoms of Kliasserim, Lunar Vales, Iron Moon, & Haxurath decided to joined forces, and end this Reign Chaos

"Isn't that the Legendary Great War of the Reign of Chaos?" he asked

"Yes it is"

-It was epic, they fight alongside the greatest wizards of Kazereth, we were winning, not until the Cursed Dragon appeared and wiped out half of the armies

-Fortunately, our ancestor, King Beomjun, was brave enough to face the Cursed Dragon, as he was able to injure the Cursed Dragon to its chest with his heavenly spear

-With it... the Cursed Dragon grew weaker, and the 4 kings use it as the opportunity to attack it, The Great Wizard then cast a spell to seal the Cursed Dragon to the Dark Mountain, making his minions weaker

-But before he could be completely be sealed , he was able to injured King Beomjun, leaving a scar on its chest too

-Then when we thought that it is already peace... it wasn't... because the Cursed Dragon's minions are still growing somewhere around the Kazereth

-We found out that the Cursed Dragon created his own Kings, which was called the 7 Dark Kings of Chaos, one for the Orcs, one for the Goblins, one for the Trolls, one for the Uruks, one for the Shamans, one for the Ogres, and one for the Undead

-But it doesn't end there

-Because we then found that our family had a curse

"What curse is that father?" he asked

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