~BeomRyu Epilogue: A Blessing - Together?~

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{Epilogue Fin}

"A Blessing: Together?"

[Year 1542 - 19 years after the Final War]

~Location: Haxurath~


-The sun shine brightly today, resulting for 1 woman to wake up from her peaceful sleep, covering her face from the light that was attacking her beautiful face using her blanket while trying to get back from her sleep, but I guess the sleeping fairy finally leave her as she released a sigh after failing to get back from her dreamland

-She rose up from her bed, and stare at her left seeing a space from her bed, making her sigh

"Right, I forgot" she muttered, stretching her body before standing up from her bed and prepared to leave the room

-Leaving the bed, she immediately get to her room, and immediately fix herself to make herself presentable to the servants

-Stepping in the dining table, the servants immediately bowed their heads to show their respect to her

"Good morning, Ryujin" Haechan greeted to the queen, pointing to a sit

-Ryujin nodded with a smile, and she immediately sat down to her seat while the servants are preparing her breakfast

"Where is he?" Ryujin asked to Haechan

"The Prince is currently in the Library, milady" Haechan answered, making Ryujin bobbed her head

"No one still arrived?" Ryujin asked once again

"None, they still didn't return, milady" Haechan answered, before Ryujin responded with a pout, before arching her eyebrow to the man

"Did you just call me milady?" she asked, making Haechan smile

"Umm.... I- didn't I told you, be formal to me, we've been friends ever since we become warriors Haechan, and that didn't changed even if I was already the Queen" Ryujin giggled, making Haechan laugh in defeat

"Alright alright, but still, I would call you milady if there are other royals" Haechan retorted, making Ryujin laugh

"Whatever makes you happy" Ryujin sighed, before cleaning her meal

"Whatever makes you happy" Ryujin sighed, before cleaning her meal

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-Ryujin's breakfast ended, as the queen walked around the Palace, she reached the Library and she immediately saw one boy who seems to be enjoying what he was reading

"Beomjin" she called, making the boy turn his head to the entrance

-The Prince immediately run to the entrance, and gave his mother a tight hug, and Ryujin didn't hesitate to hug her son back

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