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"This much has happened you haven't told me one word about it ! You don't worry machan , we are there for you ! Just say the word , I will do whatever you want !" Vasanth says after I tell him about Charan and everything.

"Yes Charan , he is right. Don't worry , we are there for you. You stay in the guest room tonight , I will talk to them tomorrow" I say.

"No. If you respect me then please don't talk to them about anything that includes me" Charan says , looking up for the first time since arriving here.

"Why da ? You aren't telling us what happened and also not wanting me to ask for myself. What did they even do to you or say to you ?" I ask , scared of what could have happened but ready to do anything for my brother.

"This is my life Vadivu and some things are supposed to be handled by me and I would very well like to handle it myself. I don't want you to get involved in this and ruin your relationship with our parents" he says firmly.

"What are you talking da ? If I was in your place and the same thing happened would you have been silent ? Wouldn't you have raised you voice for me ?" I ask , trying to make a point.

"What kind of question is this dii ? Of course I would ! But you have just now started your life Vadivu , I don't want problems to clog your life. Please do this for me. Please , just stay silent for my sake because I know if you would have been in my place you would have asked me to stay silent too" he pleads , giving me a look which would definitely make me pity him.

"Ok. Only for your word I am staying silent. But don't tell me to go and be all happy with them after what they have done. I cannot do that" I huff as I stand up.

"Did you eat ?" I ask him as he stares back down and as Vasanth states off into the distant, thinking something.

"Was halfway into it when it started" he says sighing.

"Ok , stay here. I will make something for us" I say and walk into the kitchen.

After battling for half an hour to find the utensils , I make dosa and grind coconut chutney.

When I enter the hall Charan has already changed into one of Vasanth's t shirt , looking like he just took a bath and is watching match along with Vasanth.

I set up our plates and we all eat.

After eating Vasanth suggests that he sleeps with Charan just in case , which is so sweet of him that I accept to sleep alone.

A month and a half without him and still sleeping alone saddened me a little but again , Charan is here and it is better if he has company.

The next morning itself Vasanth finds a home for Charan as he requested to live alone and not disturb us even after all the talks for him to stay with us.

It is around 6 in the evening as I make tea for the both of us , waiting for Vasanth to come.

As I enter the hall he enters the house.

"How was work ?" I ask as I sit on the sofa , folding my legs ontop.

"Hectic. CM crossed by and seeing me he stopped the vehicle and chatted with me for a few minutes. The traffic grew by , by the time his car moved and it was only me on the duty there so I needed to clear it out without chaos" he says , huffing as he goes into our bedroom.

"The CM knows you ? How ?" I ask curiously as I frown taking a sip from the tea.

"He knows my father. Comes home sometimes for asking funds and stuff. He knows me that way" he shouts from the bedroom.

Ah. Rich snobs.

After five minutes he comes back , his hands wet indicating that he just freshened up and wearing a t shirt and shorts.

"Your tea is on the kitchen slab" I say and he nods going into the kitchen and returning with the cup.

"Ahhh" he sighs as he sits beside me as I adjust myself to his figure.

"Hmmm today has been tiring enough. It is so good to finally sit by my wifey and smell her sweet smell" he says and kisses my shoulder and looks into my eyes , our faces close enough , while smiling.

"You sound creepy when you say that" I say and chuckle as I sip on my tea.

"I thought I always sound romantic. Vidhesha says so" he says frowning.

"Well , Vidhesha is a b*tch and I am a girl" I huff rolling my eyes, stomach burning thinking of that girl.

"You are jealous again" he says and chuckles.

"I am not jealous you creep" I huff.

"Say what you say gundu. But you.are.jealous" he says smirking cockily making me roll my eyes as I sip on my tea.

"Anyways. Charan apologized to me. Said he is thankful and all. I think I finally buttered your whole family by now" he says and shrugs as he switches on the TV and changes into sports channel.

"Don't f*ck it up this time" I mutter trying not to giggle.

"I won't I won't. You don't need to keep pin pointing that I f*cked up bad last time" he groans.

"Well I will. That is the only way you won't repeat the same and decide not to choose to hear me out the next time your mother does any master plan" I say making him look up at me with cute eyes.

"You are so mean" he pouts.

"Well , only mean girls can survive in this society dumbass" I huff.

"I am dumbass huh ? Come to the bed , I will show what this dumbass can do to your ass" he says and smiles lopsidedly as my eyes widen.

"You blue eyed pervert !" I shriek showing the pin cushion nearby on his face as I stand up

"Perverts have different eye colours gundu. But your pervert has blue ones" he says removing the cushion from his face while I walk into the kitchen.

"Don't blabber random sh*t you idiot !" I shout from the kitchen and loud laughter follows as I chuckle to myself.

How dumb is he ?


10 outta 10 😂


Luv ya'll ❣️

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