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Chapter four | Awkward drives

Lucas' POV:

The past several hours have been interesting. Firstly, Lydia decided that the new girl is going to be apart of our friend group now; which is fine, I have nothing against her. When I walked up to the lunch table with Blair, I felt honestly really bad about the fact that we were making out in front of all of my friends. I never really like doing that, one reason is that I know it makes everyone disgusted, and also, they hate my girlfriend. I don't understand why, though. Sure, she can be a little bit overbearing, kind of judgmental and rude at times but she really does mean well. Maybe she did something that caused the group to dislike her, but I don't know what.

Anyways, after Camila introduced herself, it took me a while to actually talk back. Often, my brain doesn't let me speak, instead, it's like I have to take apart every little thing about a person and study them. I don't intend to do it in a creepy way though, it's more like I'm just imagining every outcome that the person could cause in my life; the effects of becoming ones friend I suppose. Once I realized how long I was staring, I did speak up; I think I was making her uncomfortable so I had to stop myself.

After all of that, I went home, then the next several hours consisted of my father yelling at me. Like usual. I don't even know what he was saying this time, I tried to drown him out as much as I could. I'm pretty sure it was just him telling me how much of a disappointment I was, then saying I should be ashamed of myself for getting a 70% on a quiz, and then he started yelling at my dog putting her outside because she was sleeping on our couch. After that, he took his bags, gave me a list of things that needed to be done, and got in a taxi. Another business trip, this time he's going to London. He'll be back in a week or so, I think.

Then Blair came over; we made out for a bit, then she went to hang out with her cheerleader friends.

I'm now currently sitting in the backseat of Lydia's car; she's singing, or screaming along with a song whilst driving, and Camila is sitting in the passengers seat, staring out the window, not saying a thing.

Camila lives next door. She is 'related' to the Coopers. No she isn't. Camila is the new foster kid, and so are her siblings. Camila is the girl whose room I helped bring furniture into. The one whos siblings rooms I helped decorate. The one who Mr. and Mrs. Cooper were super excited about, and wanted to give them the best life they could have.

Why did she lie? I suppose not every person is comfortable saying they have no family but still. Maybe that's why she is super quiet, maybe she has a terrible background. I probably shouldn't tell Lydia or the guys; that's her business and it would never be my place to tell with out her consent.

The car drive went fairly quickly; we are all sat on the floor of an abandoned building in the woods. Our abandoned building. We had all discovered it one day on in the summer when we were thirteen; Charlie decided it would be ours because Danny said he'd seen the place before and it had been like that for years, therefore it was okay if we claimed it as our own. Anyways, if we aren't hanging out at my house, we are hanging out here. There's hardly any interior; just two old couches that Danny was getting rid of, a coffee table Lydia built in shop class a few years ago, and a several photos of memories we had created over the years on the walls. I hope Camila doesn't feel out of place considering we have to many memories that she isn't apart of.

Looking around the room I see my friends scattered around drinking and eating popcorn. Charlie had snuck some alcohol from his parents stash, so that's why we have it. Actually, it is only Lydia and Charlie drinking, Danny isn't because he wants to make sure they got home okay, I'm not because I have been assigned the task of taking Danny's car back home, and I have no idea why Camila isn't drinking. Maybe it is because she just doesn't drink, or maybe it's because we are practically a bunch of strangers who have just brought her along with us, or maybe it's another reason.

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