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Chapter six | Parties
Camila's Pov:

After Maria and I arrived home, she ended up going to work with Jess because she wanted to see her restaurant, and Mark had to go into the city to buy some groceries, so now I'm home alone.

I'm currently trying to figure out why the fuck Lucas went and told Blair and most likely all of his friends. Was it because they pried the information out of him? Was it because he felt like he should tell him? Was it because he is just a complete and total dick? My guess is that it's the last option.

Sighing in frustration, I pull my school books out of my bag and get started on my homework. Thankfully I don't have to much; just some math and Spanish. Spanish is easy of course, because you know, I am Spanish but I'm absolutely shit at math.

I understand the simple stuff but at some point my brain just stops working and the numbers and letters  just turn into a cluster of randomness. I've had a tutor before but it's no help, but I'll probably end up having to get one so I don't fail the class.

I solve one or two equations, and do all of my Spanish in about half an hour, so now I have nothing to do again. I'm left with my thoughts once more.

I still can't wrap my head around why that interaction happened today. It breaks my heart to see Maria cry, she and Carlos have been through so much at such a young age. They don't deserve any of it. I'm not sure if I should face Lucas and yell at him for sharing a secret that is not his to tell, or if I should just ghost him for the rest of my time loving here.

Ghosting him might be hard, I can probably do it though; one time in the second grade this girl stole my crayon and I didn't talk to her for the rest of the semester. I actually got in trouble for that, apparently not taking to your friends because they took a crayon from you is not mature and I shouldn't do it. Of course, ghosting somebody because the shared a very personal secret is probably a more valid and acceptable reason.

I don't care either way, though. Lucas can go fuck himself. He should know that consequences will come when the wrong choice is made.

After a long, hard time of pondering what I want to do about this whole situation, I drift into a my favorite sense of security, sleep.


Opening my eyes slowly to adjust to the light. Glancing over at my nightstand, there's a plate of food with some plastic wrap over it, and a note reading,

You were still asleep when we had dinner and we didn't want to wake you, here's some food, sorry that's it's not warm anymore :)

- Jess

I smile quickly at the kind gesture then look out my window. It's dark, like one Am dark. I can't believe I slept that long, I fell asleep at maybe five Pm?

Opening my window to let some cold fresh air in, I'm hit with the booming music and chaos coming from next door. Fucking Lucas is having a party on a fucking Sunday night.

I mutter several curse words under my breath before getting up, slipping my shoes on, and climbing out my window. It's one thing to have a loud ass party on a school night, but to do it right after exposing somebody's fucked up home life to everyone he knows is just plain bullshit. I'm going to yell at him, and then ghost him.

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