In A Weeks Time : Part - 2

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Kim Taehyung


"No! You did not just ask him that!", Ren shouted while laughing her ass off right after you just told her what went down in the lecture earlier that day.

Ren and you were sitting on the floor in between your beds and eating pizza for dinner, when you decided to tell her about this incident. Ren was Taehyung's classmate so you thought she might know about what kind of person he was. Before he could even reply you mumbled an apology and literally flew out of your seat. You couldn't even look at his face before you left to see what his reaction was. Thinking about how embarrassed you felt the moment those worlds left your mouth, you hide behind your hands just at the thought of it.

"I don't know," you mumble into your hands, still on your face.

"What do you mean you don't know? He must've said something," Ren questions curiously, softly removing your hands from your face.

"As soon as I asked the question the bell rang and I got up and left," you reply.

"You just left?" She asks, a look of utter disbelief painted on her face.

You nod.

She shakes her head, refusing to believe that you could actually be this dumb.

You nod your head again unfortunately, confirming her fears.

"I realized how hasty I sounded and couldn't face it. So, I ran away." you softly mumble.

Ran away like you always do. Ugh, what are you going to do now?

"Don't worry, bub. Taehyung is a good person," Ren said, trying her best to reassure you.

"But, what if, his father is really no more?! If that is so, I must have hurt his feelings and he must've thought how I was insensitive for just leaving even before expressing my condolences. OH NO, WHAT IF- " Ren cuts me off by shoving a pizza slice in my face and says, "Don't worry, Y/N. He won't think that. Now, let's forget about that and tell me what are your plans for winter break ."

You appreciate Ren for distracting you. "Ren, you know I don't have any plans, except creating a perfect portfolio."

"Yeah, I know. The reason why I asked you was because I wanted to invite you to my grandparents' farm. I usually visit them with my cousins but they are all either busy with their kids or their jobs. So, what do you think?"

That did it for you and you both started planning your winter together. But in the back of your mind a tiny voice was bugging you. It kept nagging at your fear of facing Kim Taehyung tomorrow.

You wish tomorrow would come a little later like it usually does. But time flew by after you and Ren went to bed excited about the trip, woke up the next morning did your daily routines, had breakfast and before you know it you were standing in front of your shared classroom door with Kim Taehyung.

You take a deep breath and open the door and step inside the room, moving as slowly as humanly possible towards Taehyung who was already there and writing something in a notebook.

You take a seat beside and say "Hello" without looking at him.

"Yes," he replies.

You look up at his face with soft smile playing on his lips, very confused.

"What?" You question him, your confusion growing with every passing second.

"Yes, my father is still alive and is well enough to nag me about why don't I visit him often," he elaborates with his smile getting bigger.

You have no clue what to say. But you are relieved that he isn't mad at you, you are relieved that his father is okay; you are relieved that this isn't awkward; you are relieved that he is your partner. And then you realize that you are blankly staring at him as you count everything about this in your head.

"I glad he is okay," you quickly say to break the silence, giving him a genuine smile. "I apologies for abruptly leaving before you could answer me. I honestly don't have an excuse for why I ran away. It's just the moment I asked you that question, I realized how personal it was and how inappropriate it was to ask that when we hardly know each other and I am really sor-," your rambling is abruptly cut off by a hearty chuckle.

"You are too cute when you get flustered, Y/N. And no need to apologies, I was just surprised on why you left in such a hurry." That's it. That's all it takes for your face to turn blood red like a tomato.

You try to hide behind your hands but he stops you saying, "Don't hide now, Y/N. We have to examine each side of each other to make an accurate art piece. I hope we understand each other to the fullest, so we can create what we see in each other."

You look away turning feeling your now crimson cheeks turn vermilion red as you slowly nod in agreement with him.

Slowly, as the weeks passed, knowing each other became easier; Things now seemed a lot familiar. Apart from each other, the colors and cords seemed rough, unrhythmic, colorless, they matched perfectly when you both were together and they turned soulful.

You learnt a lot about Kim Taehyung in the past week. You learnt that he is a violin prodigy, you learnt that he is kind-hearted, you learnt how he hates coffee, you learnt how he can't stand alcohol, you learnt how he can't eat spicy food, you learnt how his eyes light up when he plays the violin, you learnt even though he looks friendly his music holds sadness, depth, sunlight, warmth and most importantly you realized that his music carries Kim Taehyung.

With these emotions you created the Kim Taehyung you saw, you met, you observed, you understood, you liked. And soon the day to present your work to each other came.

"Taehyung, did you get the section you were stuck on?" You ask him, as you sat next to him.

"Y/N, hey!" He closed his book and turned towards you. "Yeah, I did, the answer was really simple. I just saw it a little late." He gave you a shy smile.

"Awesome, I can't wait to hear it. Do you like the sculpture I made you?" You weren't able to give it to him yourself as you had to submit it directly to Professor Megan and she would display it in her office. The music students were supposed to go separately and share their inputs to her and on that basis Professor Megan would score us.

"Y/N?" He called you.


"You will find the answer to that when I perform," he says and the class begun.

Ren's performance was amazing and you saw her partner laughing. And soon it was Taehyung's turn. He stood up and went to the stage.

"I hope my music can convey what I saw and what I want to say."

With that he began.

And then came the moment the first note played. And then the second. And then the one after that. And then the next. And on and on and on.

You know what he wanted to say through it, the soft soothing, yet heart thumping music filled the room, your ears and your heart. Taehyung played with the same body language that you sculpted him in your sculpture, and the same expression you imagined he would have when he played for you.

You just sat there staring at him as he played and all you could think of was how happy you felt.

Because this was the best way he could say that he liked you too.


Thank you for reading :)

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