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Sitting in the small apartment in Queens was Tony and Maddie Stark, patiently waiting for a certain someone to walk in. Maddie quite liked the little home. Sure, it's not a giant mansion or a tower with tons of floors, but it was cozy and she could tell a lot of memories had been made in the apartment. Family photos and artwork lined the walls and the sofa was covered in a knitted blanket.

"More Walnut date loaf Mr Stark?" A middle aged woman asked Tony, handing a plate in his direction.

"I'm quite alright May. And please, call me Tony" he smiled back. Tony and May sat beside one another on the couch while Maddie was sitting on the armchair across from them. Well used to her fathers flirtatious banter with women, Maddie zoned out and studied the apartment. The seats were wore from years of being sat on, the coffee table had chunks missing from the corners, the Tv sat above a DVD player with a box set of the Star Wars movies beside it and the windows were covered with antique looking curtains. Maddie adored the home.

The opening of the front door pulled her from her observations.

"Hey May" a voice spoke from the door, keys rustling with every step.

"Mmm, heh how was school today" May answered back.

"Okay. This crazy car parked outside . . ." The voice walked into the room. There stood a young boy, about Maddie's age. His brown curly hair settled at the top of his head and his jawline was shaped nicely. He stopped talking however when he saw Tony Stark sitting on his couch.

"Oh Mr Parker" Tony smiled as he turned around to face the boy. He was awestruck.

"Um.." he takes his earphones from his ears and stands awkwardly infront of the billionaire. "What--what are you doing . . .? Hey! Uh, I'm--Im--I'm Peter."

"Tony" he replied.

"What are . . .what are you--what are you--what are you doing here?" Peter asked.

"It's about time we met. You've been getting my e-mails, right?".

"Yeah...yeah, regarding the.."

"The September Foundation" Maddie spoke up, leaning back in her chair. Peter looked over, only now realising she was there.

"Right" Peter mumbled, still staring at Maddie. Tony notices this little interaction and clears his throat.

"I approved, so now we're in business." Tony spoke. Peters attention now brought back to the man infront of him.

"Can we have 5 minutes with him?" Tony turned to May.

"Oh, yes..sure".

The two Starks walked into Peters room as Peter closed the door behind them. Maddie looked around the room. It's a typical teenage boys room. Posters taped onto the wall and clothes all over the place, which Peter hurried to pick up and threw into his laundry basket.

"Whoa, what do we have here? Retro tech, huh? Thrift store? Salvation Army?" Tony points at all the old tech on Peters tech.

"Uh..the garbage, actually".

"So you're a dumpster diver?" Maddie asks as she leans against the wall.

Nodding, Peter continues. "Yeah, I was . . . anyway, look, um, I definitely did not apply for your grant".

"Ah ah, us first" Tony speaks as Maddie pulls out her phone and hands it to her father. There, Tony pulled up a projection of Spider-Man swinging around the city.

"That's you". Maddie nods at the projection.

"That's all- That's all on YouTube, though, right? I mean, that's where you found that? Because you know that's all fake. It's all done on the computer" Peter stutters.

Maddie nudges Tony and motions to a gap in the roof. "Oh what have we here?" Tony smiled as he grabs a baseball bat and lifts the tile in the roof, causing Peters Spider-Man suit to shoot down. Peter quickly jumps to it and pulls it down, throwing it into his closet.

"So you're the spider kid?" Maddie squints at him.

"It's..Spider-Man" Peter mumbled, looking down.

"Who else knows?" Tony asks.


"Not even your attractive aunt" Tony smirked, Maddie rolling her eyes and Peter looking at him with slight disgust.

"No. No, no. No, no. If she knew, she would freak out. And when she freaks out, I freak out." Peter says, sitting down on his bed.

"I'm gonna sit here, so move your leg" Tony motions to the spot beside Peter. Pushing over, Peter watches as Tony Stark sits beside him.

"You got a passport?" Tony asks, placing a hand on Peters shoulder.

"I don't even have a drivers license".

"You ever been to Germany?".


"You'll love it".

"I can't go to Germany" Peter slightly yells.

"Why's that" Tony asks.

"I've got..... homework". Peter mumbled. Maddie looked at Peter in disbelief.

"That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard" she shook her head and straightened up from the wall.

"Might be a little dangerous. Better tell Aunt Hottie I'm taking you on a field trip." Tony stood up and walked to the door. Placing his hand on the knob, he's about to turn when webbing sticks his hand in place.

"Don't tell aunt May" Peter looks serious towards Tony.

"Alright Spider-Man...now get me out of this".

"Sorry, I'll get the...."

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