#7 never again

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Mention of abuse, rape, murder etc.. ⚠️

Delilah's pov:
On the way back to Sebastian's house, it was very awkward knowing I just had sex with him. Not the first time but this time was definitely way more passionate than the last one. Cant say I didn't like it tho. I loved it.

I feel I bit guilty now for trying to run away knowing that me and him have this intention between each other but I just can't handle it. Love just never ends up good.

One mistake in a relationship could mess up your whole relationship and mental state. Could ruin you mentally and physically just like Devon, my last ex did.

Long story short, Devon has always has some sort of power over me that I couldn't seem to get out of. He had me wrapped around his finger and he knew it. He knew I didn't have the power to leave him so he kept in doing whatever it was. He used to money steal from me, abuse me, sexually harass me, rape me, and take picture of me for money..

I used to be a very weak person when I was with him, but all that trauma taught me that it's better for you to do whatever it is to keep yourself safe. Better be safe than sorry and that's what made me the person I am.

Knowing that Devon is somewhere out there scares me. He isn't dead, neither is he is jail or got charger for whatever he did. He was free and that scares me. I could still remember the nights of him hitting me with a bat against my hip because I came back home 4 minutes late. It wasn't my fault that traffic was there.

He would always accuse me of cheating if I was to come back home late and start guilt tripping me for something I didn't do. He would start ranting, crying, and yelling like a dramatic bitch just so I could feel bad but in the same time, I didn't cheat. I never dared to since he could've basically killed me for it. Guilt tripping.

I was too afraid of him, and I still am.

Sometimes I wonder, what would've happened if I never bumped into Steve.

Steve is a guy that means a lot to me, and the reason is because he was the one that got me out of there. I was once walking in the hallway, as I accidentally bumped my hip on the table and panicked. He came over to me and calmed me down as he check my hip and saw all bruises. He questions me and I instantly told him about everything, and that's when he helped me sneak out from Devon's house and run away.

I never bothered telling my family because I knew that if I told them, then he would get some of his people to go threaten or even kill some of my family members, and I just couldn't risk it,
so I took the pain
for them.

I now struggle to sleep without having nightmares and replays of moments I wish to never go through again. I don't feel myself anymore. Not after him..

Sebastian's pov:
God the look on her face right now isn't good. He looks exhausted right now and I just want to take that off of her. Her eyes are starting to water but I'm not sure why

" darling, are you okay? Why are you tearing up? Is something bothering you? " I questioned, but I didn't expect an exact answer from her.

" oh yea yea I'm okay " I took my hand and put it on her face as I wiped her tears and allowed her to rest her head on my shoulders. I hate seeing her like this but I'm not sure why she is like this at the moment.

Did I do it say something wrong? I don't think I did.. oh did I make her uncomfortable then? Did I not get her consent? Shit.

2 hours later and we finally reached home. Delilah got into a deep sleep and wouldn't wake up so I carried her in bridal style and sent her to my room. I called Anaya to come help change her then I laid down beside her. I really wanted to cuddle her to sleep, but I felt like maybe she needed space and me getting in way of that wouldn't be very respectful of me.

" leave me alone pl.. please.. nooo not my momm, What the fuck did you dooo " Delilah yelled in the middle of the night

My soul left my body when she started yelling "hey amore wake up. It's ok you are safe with me, you don't ever have to worry about being in danger when you are with me " I comforted her

" I'm so scared, why did he do that to my mom? Whyy, why me? Why her?" she said but this time I looked down at her, and she was wake with lots of tears rolling down her face. I couldn't help but feel bad because I'm not sure how to comfort her without knowing what happened.

I wrapped my arms around her and allowed her to put her head on my chest as I lightly played with her hair and telling her it's ok. I really want to know what happened, but asking right now isn't the best choice. I can wait.

" I WANT HIM DEAD. NOW! HE RUINED MY FUCKING LIFE " she yelled so loud that Lero, Denton, and Anaya came rushing into the room.

"You want who dead love?" I was scared asking this, just because she could basically stab me if she wanted to out of anger. You never know what she can do.

"DEVON. HE DOESN'T DESERVE TO LIVE, HE FUCKING KILLED MY MOTHER AND I BLAME THAT ON MYSELF EVERY NIGHT" her voice lowered " if only I wasn't so weak and told my family then she wouldn't be DEAD. "

" Lero, Anaya, and Denton, leave. NOW " I said. " come here baby. You need to take a rest " I said as I got up and went to turn on the bath water for her. I put little rose petals and candles all over to help calm her down.

I went back over and carried Delilah to the bathroom. " here. I'd like you to sit in there and relax. Do you want me to get you anything like a drink? " I looked at her very worried.
She looked dead.

" no " she replied " alright. I'm going to go now so you can get the space that you need. If you need me just call me okay" she nodded.

I walked out of the washroom giving her space to be able to get out of her clothes and into the bathtub. " Se.. Sebastian. Can you please come here "

" yes love? " I said while covering my eyes in case she didn't want me to see her naked.

" can you please stay with me? And you can open your eyes, It's ok, i trust you " that was unexpected

I went and put the toilet lid down and sat on it while she stared at me. " I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for you to see me like that yelling and  ranting. I just have an ex named de.. Devon, and he did a lot to me in the past. He stole money, abused me, sexually harassed me, raped me, took pictures of me without knowing and selling it to others for money without me knowing. He also killed my mother because she found out about me being treated like this, so she tried sneaking into Devon's house while I was there to save me, but he shot her. That day was a day I'll never forgot and will forever blame myself for it. "

" It hurts Sebastian. It really does. "

" not to be very straight but I say let's kill him. You didn't deserve any of that no matter what. Guys that are able to put there hands of girls deserve nothing but to rot in hell and maybe we can make it hell for him. It wouldn't be too hard to find him now would it? "

Delilah smirked meaning I knew she was up for it but then it slowly fades away " sounds like a great idea but I'm afraid of him. He is a psycho. He is way scarier than you would ever imagine."

" no. He's scary or not, I don't care. He's going to be dead. No one gets to treat you like that my love. "


Make sure to vote and comment! Till next time loves <33

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