38 R.T.

991 17 8

Delilah's pov:
I lightly placed my head on the pillow and without my notice, I fell asleep. Oops.

I didn't realize I fell asleep, till I felt a hand rubbing on my thigh.

My body went into instant shock and gasped as i woke up. I look to my right just to see Richard laying beside me with his hand lightly rubbing on my thigh.

My body cooled down as he opened his eyes "calm down. It's just me love"

"Don't call me love" I put my head back onto the pillow taking in how it feels.

"Did you put some type of cream and start rubbing it on my thigh?" He nodded.

"I just want your skin to feel amazing" I rolled my eyes then shut it again. The feeling to his hand rubbing onto my thigh helped me get myself back to sleep even though I'm not supposed to sleep here.

"Shhh it's ok. You're okay." He whispered as if I needed him to comfort me in any way.

My body instantly fell right back asleep but not any type of sleep. It was a deep sleep for some reason.

I was dreaming about unicorns and flowers with a lover that was a horse till I felt a sting on my thigh.

At first I thought my body was just acting crazy, till I realized that I was with Richard.

I got up and looked towards my thigh, just to see Richard with a knife, craving something in my skin.

"AY WHAT THE FUCK" I said as I moved my whole leg out of his way to avoid him cutting me anymore, but caused a way longer cut.

"Heyy goodmorning. Why did you freak out? I was just craving my initials into your skin"

"Excuse me?" I looked down on my thigh and saw the letter R with T half way written, and that's when I knew he was crazy.

I pulled my half asleep body out of his bed and ran towards the door but he some how transferred from his bed, to in-front of the door.

I most certainly don't think he is human. This motherfucker has powers? Nah

"Move or I'll fucking stab a knife through your heart and watch you bleed to death" He started laughing

"Try me." he said

I stared into his eyes very deeply in a way of telling him 'let's have rough sex' and he automatically understood.

He pinned me against the wall with his hand around my throat and his thumb lightly playing with my lips.

He took a quick look at my tits which he could've see much of, then slowly started coming towards me for a make out session.

I watched as his face started to coming towards me, so I grabbed his face and placed my lips onto his.

We were both moving slowly on opposite sides using our tongue to make out.

He eventually started moving backwards while holding the back of my head and that's when I took the time to push him using my hands harshly, then kick his balls to fall on the ground.

By now he's on the ground moaning and yelling while I reached onto the side of my hip for my gun or knife but couldn't find any. Fuck.

I took a quick look at him quickly, and could see the anger in his face. His eyes.
so I ran.

I ran towards the door and out of the room. I sprinted down the stairs and as I reached the door, I put my hand in my pocket to check if I had everything I need and I did.

I ran out and into my car and drove off. I drove about 5km away, before I finally stopped the car due to the stinging pain of the letters he craved onto my skin.

I started investigating and noticed that my whole thigh was full of blood. I'm not sure how I didn't feel him slowly cutting my skin, but I didn't at all till that one second.

Maybe that's why he put that cream on me. It was probably something that'll help you not feel it.

I looked around my car for something I could wrap around my thigh, and saw a used old shirt in the back of the car.

I reached for it and grabbed it. I tied it around my thigh strongly, then grabbed my phone. I quickly also looked back to make sure no one was behind me.

I opened my phone, and called Aiden but he didn't respond surprisingly.

I called dad but he didn't respond

I called Josh but he didn't respond either.

Are they having a threesome or something? Horny fuckers

I started scrolling down my contacts thinking about who I should call, and Kelsey came to mind.

I actually have no idea where she disappeared to or why she doesn't talk to me as much anymore, but I'll still try calling her.

I called Kelsey but she didn't answer.

I noticed Sebastian's contact in my phone and was thinking about calling him, but I don't want to talk about all that's happening at the moment with Sebastian, so I'll just stick with it.

I called Anaya but she didn't answer.

I called nana but I don't know what I was expecting. She obviously wouldn't respond.

Honestly I think everyone is dead. I'm just going to suffer through this pain alone.

I threw my phone onto the passenger seat, and started moving the car again, till I heard a car behind me beeping.

My first thought was it was Richard and that I was about to get killed.

I looked into the mirror, and saw Richard. Oh my fucking luck. I have no knife or gun, but I do have any hands fucker.

I locked my car and continued moving, but he somehow showed up right in front of my car.

Funny he thought I cared.

I ran him over... oops.

I felt a bump as I ran him over. I really hope his body was crushed into 10 million pieces.

I stopped the car to take a look back, but he was at the door that's on the other side of me and opened it. Didn't I fucking lock it? Am I dreaming?

"Well well. You tricked me I see, but there is no getting away from me now" He grabbed my thigh and dragged me from the drivers seat, to the passenger seat then grabbed something from him pocket that looked like a needle.

I already know what's about to happen and I'm not here for it. I want to go home.

I started kicking my legs and tried punching him, but I couldn't do it hard enough due to my thigh. I feel weak.

He eventually took the needle, and put it right into my leg and it all went dark..

I'm Delilah Scarlett.

Make sure to vote and comment! Till next time loves <33

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