Chapter 11

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Dinner wasn't in the same cave area as breakfast had been. Instead, you were sat around a large fire pit in a clearing watching as they ran around laughing.

Falcon was sitting by the spits roasting over the fire, showing Hawk how to turn it without getting burned. Owen, or Owl as he was now called, was striking at a tree with a dagger under the watchful eyes of Goose and Blue Jay. Swan was looking at you quizzically from his own spot by the campfire, head tilted as he dazed off.

Peter was somewhere above, maybe floating, maybe camping in a tree, but he was nearby. You could feel it. More specifically, you could feel his eyes on you, watching as you sat quietly on a tree stump. You had only briefly seen him since he'd told you about Wendy, but he hadn't acknowledged you.

It seemed so strange and so different from the boy who had valiantly protected you from pirates hours earlier. You didn't want to admit it but you were a little glad that Peter had distanced himself a bit. After his little... episode earlier the last thing you wanted was for something to accidentally set him off.


Peter sighed as he watched over the campsite from his perch in a tree. It was the same as what happened every night unless it was raining. Typically breakfast was made up of fruits and other things that didn't need cooking. Having a fire in such an enclosed space wasn't exactly the safest.

Lunch was whatever you could get your hands on while out doing your daily duties and dinner was by the campfire.

Peter watched as Hawk burned himself with the spit, staggering back clutching his hand. It was a bit comical seeing how Falcon had shown him exactly not to do that. However, he watched as you helped the younger boy. Taking him to a river to run his hand under cool water before bandaging it with the cloth Swan provided.

Your place as their mother solidified even more in his mind when he watched Tink fly around you before nestling into your hair. Well, your place as the Lost Boy's mother. He didn't need one. No. He had a much more important place for you to fill. However, that part of your duties would start later. For now, he was content watching and letting his imagination do the rest of the work.

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