Chapter 15

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You weren't sure exactly when you'd worn yourself out struggling. All you knew was it was a while ago and you were still moving. You were in a part of the forest you'd never seen before, one Peter hadn't taken you to. It was denser here. The trees had darker colored bark and the leaves obscured what was left of the setting sun. The further you walked the louder the sea became until you found the ground under your boots had turned into sand. You were on a different beach, one without the friendly faces of the mermaids.The person behind you had stopped dragging you when you'd exhausted yourself and was now pushing you along, towards the jetty. Craggy cliffs rose above the jetty however a cave could be seen at the base of the cliffs. You were pushed into it where you could see it was nicely lit. Torches lined the walls despite the narrow walkway. Most of the cave was filled with water and there was little ground. Towards the back of the cave the walkway became a slope leading down to the water where a ship was moored. You were pushed along the plank and on deck, steered into a cabin where the door was closed and locked.

The cabin was nice despite the minimal furnishings. Your legs gave out the second you sat on the cot. Even with the increased exercise you were doing your muscles burned. It was a while before the door unlocked again. A man that looked to be in his early twenties who smiled warmly at you, waving with his right... hook? A further glance showed that his right hand had been replaced with a shiny silver hook that glinted in the light of the cabin. "Hello. My name is Edwin, although the flying brat and his boys refer to me as Captain Hook." With a sigh his tone became more serious. "I believe we need to talk."

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