Chapter 28

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A/N: This is how I imagine Blue Jay to look! Picrew by @HARAKII
Also, midway writing this chapter me, and my family, had to evacuate because we smelled gas in our house. Luckily it was only a small leak and we were allowed back in but we now can't use our stove or oven for the foreseeable future. I was the one who got our cat in his crate and out of the house when 911 told us to immediately evacuate. So yeah... that was chaotic. Anyways enjoy the new chapter!

Your mind was fuzzy with panic and anxiety. Sure you knew it was coming but this soon? How would you even get away from this? Was there a way? "Peter... I-" You froze as Peter drew his dagger with a snarl but before you could run an arm grabbed you from behind. One arm was wrapped around your waist while the other held a knife to your throat. "Peter. Lovely seeing you here with such a beautiful lady." "Edwin?" You whispered. "Hook." Peter growled. "As you can tell I clearly have an advantage right now." He gestured to you with the knife. "So act nice or I'll cut your pretty little toy."

This wasn't the Edwin you knew. This seemed to be an entirely different person. One fueled by rage and vengeance. The blade was pressed to your neck just soft enough to avoid cutting. Peter had his teeth gritted and a death grip on the dagger. "You bastard! Give her back or else..." "Or else what Pan?" He made a shallow cut on your neck. The sting was muted by the adrenaline coursing through your veins. "Or else I'll kill them." Your blood ran cold. "Kill who?" "All the boys. I'll do it right in front of you too. Just like what I did to him. And I won't stop until-" Peter suddenly crumpled to the ground, his eyes rolling back. Behind him Wendy glared at his body, bloody rock in hand. Edwin released you with a grimace. "We need to move. Now. The boys are already on the ship." Wendy didn't give you time to process, just placed a handkerchief in your hand and moved it to your neck before grabbing your other arm. "Sorry about your neck but Wendy's right. We'll explain later." With that they pulled you off into the forest leaving Peter behind. You briefly glanced back before he vanished from your sight.

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