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"What the hell is this?" Jin yelled at the mirror in his bathroom. He started running his fingers on the red spot trying to reminisce about how this red spot on his neck formed. However, he must have been very drunk because he could not remember anyone from last night who could give him this. He wanted to find out if the spot would have hurt, so he applied a little pressure on the place and suddenly a shiver run through all his body, he felt a tingling sensation on his whole being, as if the spot was a switching on button to send an impulse through his nervous system and made something come alive in his body. Sure, it did hurt but the pain was a pleasurable one, he could not even word the reason behind it. He moved his fingers on it for a while forgetting his previous frustrated state, but when he pulled himself together from the feelings he was having, he remembered that he was angry and pulled his fingers off from his skin to rush to his living room in frustration.

"What the hell are you all doing in my living room?" Jin yelled twice today. It was not a good way to start a weekend giving the reason that the first two sentences Jin uttered began with "what the hell?" but he had to let it pass with a heavy sigh for now. The guys sleeping at every place of his living room jumped off from their sleep with horrification in their faces. They all rubbed their eyes one by one and stretched themselves hoping they could move again.

"Why are you all here?" Jin asked this time calmer.

"Hey, you should not wake your best friends up like this and you should not definitely treat badly, too because they brought you here all wasted in 4 am in the morning." J-Hope responded swiftly. Jin rolled his eyes at this answer.

"How long have we been sleeping? What time is it?" Yoongi asked with straight tone.

"Oh my god, oh my god, nooo! It is 3 pm, we literally almost slept through all Saturday." Jimin yelled frustrated.

"What, what, what? Did you have anything important other than slacking around?" Yoongi asked sarcastically.

"Oh, yeah!" Jimin answered exaggerating his reaction. "I made promise to my friends hyung for dinner tonight for 6 pm and I am not even in my house. Jin hyung I must leave now hurriedly. See you, love you, bye!" Jimin gathered his not so many belongings and left the house.

"Hyung, we must go now, too. We needed to record a music for Monday, but we did not even finish half of it." Yoongi said pointing at Namjoon and he approved Yoongi's words by shaking his head vertically.

Taehyung was not still fully awake, and he wanted to continue his slumber in his house and wanted to leave, too.

Thus, Jin walked them to the door to say goodbye all of them. But whenever they approached the end of this ceremony, Namjoon or Taehyung would have turned back to the house to get one of their belongings that they have forgotten in the living room. Back and forth they have almost spent 15 minutes at the door trying to bid each other goodbye. At some point, Jin whined about his house getting cold because of all the standing at the outdoor. Finally when Jin and J-Hope bid all of them goodbye, it was nearly 4 pm and they felt relief from all the chaos that was happening a minute ago.

"I guess you did not have any plan to attend to?" Jin asked and J-Hope shook his head affirmative.


"Yessss, hyung. Can you please prepare some ramyeon and steak for us?" J-Hope requested pouting by caressing his belly signaling his hunger.

"Okey, okey." Jin said sweetly and started preparing the ingredients and J-Hope helped him by cutting vegetables and giving to him in the process of cooking when asked.

At some point, Jin asked the question in his mind while preparing the dinner.

"Hey, Jwehope! I want to ask you something."


"I do not remember anything from yesterday. Who was it?" Jin showed his red spot on his neck but J-Hope was not paying attention, so busy cutting the vegetables.

"What do you mean 'who'? " J-Hope raised his head and looked at the place Jin's fingers were showing. "Owww, hyung! What is it?" he asked surprised.

"I knoow!" Jin said unknowingly. "I was so drunk yesterday. Normally, I would not give myself in someone this easily or at least I would come home with him. What is this!?"

"No, no hyung! You were not with anyone yesterday. So how did you get it?"

"What do you mean I was not with anyone yesterday? I clearly have a hickey here." He said pointing out."

"No hyung. You were not. You were with a guy just for 5 minutes or so and he left your side suddenly without even you are getting closer."

"Can you be drunk to not see it?" Jin asked sarcastically but J-Hope rolled his eyes and was serious.

"You know that some of us stay sober to carry others every time we drink a lot and Yoongi and I did not drink much to be able to bring you home and we were always checking you guys. But nobody came near you."

"But, but, it is clearly a hickey. Then how did I get it?"

"Maybe it is not and you just have a rash there." J-Hope raised his shoulders to show not to bother this so much. Jin agreed and let it slip for the rest of the night. When the time was 10 pm in the night, J-Hope and Jin were already finished with their meals and by the near end watching some comedy on the couch in the living room while eating peaches.

When the show has ended, J-Hope stood up "Let's wash the dishes, then I need to head home, I have to practice dance moves for monday's class."

"Aish, that is okay. You go home, do your job. They are not many, I will wash them."

J-Hope insisted on his offer to wash the dishes, but Jin was stubborn to not let him. Thus, Jin finally bid goodbye to J-Hope at the door and returned his kitchen to wash them. His mood was uplifted after a good meal and a good comedy, also he had already forgotten the hickey issue, so he started washing his dishes while singing a song happily.

He was half done, but suddenly stopped when he felt a hot, slow breath on his nape. He waited for a while, and then felt the second hot breath on his nape. A shiver run through all his body again, twice today and he started breathing heavily. His face was deathly pale out of fear and he turned around aghastly to see what that was.

But there was nothing. He checked around his kitchen carefully but there was literally nothing. He was sure, so sure, that he felt an existence from behind like a human existence. And even now he was nearly sure that the existence stands right in front of him. Jin was inexplicably terrified and he did not understand what was going on.

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