Shot and shocked

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!Violence and mentions of rape!
James POV:

When Y/n left my house that day, it was the last time I had seen her, heard from or about her.

I was doing no better. I missed her and loved her so much.

It killed me to not know what she was doing. Knowing she could be fucking anyone. She could be in danger or hurt. Shit.

She let me keep her underwear from that day which I thought was funny. I occasionally touched myself with them.

It had been nearly two months. I thought all was well. Well, my version of well. Until I got some news that had my whole world falling apart all over again.


Y/n's POV:

I was peacefully baking and watching my favorite TV show until I heard a thud.

"Alpine and Brandy! Stop being naughty!" I fuss

In my sadness, I picked up a new hobby. Making baked goods. I had Natasha and Steve come over all the time to try the things I made.

Brock had basically disappeared. And my career was going absolutely amazing. I had even gotten recognized on the street a few times.


I close my eyes to go to sleep and I was having an odd dream that I was in the game Candy Land. I heard a few more thuds and I was just about to fall back asleep until I felt a hand over my mouth. "Make a noise and I'll put a bullet in that stupid cat's head"

I open my eyes to be faced with Brock. "What the hell?"

I heard a gunshot and I scream.

"I thought I told you to not shoot?' Loki yelled

I was trembling. "I saw you naked, sweetie. I saw your beautiful body" Brock grinned. I tuck my legs closer to my body as the tears ran down my face. "How the fuck did you get into my house? What do you want?" I scream.

"You know what? I think you talk too much"

Loki pulled out what seemed to be a tranquilizer gun. He shot me in the arm with it and I saw black.


James POV:

"Y/n's gone missing"

"What!?" I asked stunned

"Nat couldn't find her. She wasn't answering her phone. We wanted to tell you before we went to her house"

I didn't know what the say. I didn't know what to think. "Lets fucking go then"


Natasha opens her door and we walk in. The cats greet us and I rush to her room. What I saw made me so incredibly upset.

Bloody thread. A bullet hole in her mattress and a note.

The tears in my eyes made my vision a blurry mess. I open the note and read it.


Dear Jamie,

Loki and Brock kidnapped me and if you don't get your ass to your childhood home, he will put a bullet in my skull and leave my body for you to find.

Love, your little stupid fucking doll


I swear I saw red. I knew good and well Y/n didn't write this

"Loki and Brock fucking did this shit" I yell, handing Steve the letter.

"Oh my gosh. I hope she's ok" Natasha cries in Steves's chest.

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