Part 3- Caught

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I ran with the Hattan Newsies, Catch at my side as the gates opened. Running across the dusty road and weaving in through the crowds we arrived at the bottom of the stairs. Scabbers paid the unnecessary amount of money to Mr. Weasel as they grabbed their papes. I scoffed at how they could so easily buy the new priced paper. Filthy rich is what they are.

A scabber began down the steps and stopped at Jack's level. Looking back at the others behind him then back us. It seemed as if he was fighting with his own thoughts for no reason. It was an easy decision really.

"Whats going on here? Move it! Move it!" Weasel ushered as he poked his disgusting face out of the box he was hiding behind. Coward.

The scabber who began walking down the stairs bit his lip before throwing his papes down, joining us. He stepped into the large group of newsies engulfed with pats on his back.

"Outa boy!" I said nodding to the kid.

"Did good," Jack shook the kids hand.

Other scabbers eyes followed the kid as they stepped out of line joining us with their hands up in surrender. I watched them carefully as they stepped into the crowd with nowhere else to go.

My eyes then traced back to what looked like the biggest scabber. Sizing up Jack he stared directly at him as Davey looked scared for his life. A smug smile crossed Blink's face as he watched the scene unfold. When the scabber didn't step down to us it seemed like he had made up his mind on a firm not joining.

"Are you a Newsie or what?" Race finally asked.

With a clenched jaw he tried walking away but was pushed ruffly back by Racetrack, trying the other way he met Blink and was also pushed back.

"Fellas! Fellas!" Davey yelled looking around cautiously, like hes was gunna make us stop, I thought rolling my eyes.

The scabber then looked back at Jack.

"Jack now just don't.." Davey said.

Suddenly Jack's fist connected with the papes in the guys hands sending them down. The group broke out into laughter. A smile crossed my face watching the scabber probably getting denied for the first time in his life. Laughing stopped when the scabber bent down to pick up his papes but collided with Jack's legs spending him back to get caught by everyone behind him.


That's when all the fun just started.

Losing track of anything that was around me I began to catch papes flying around in the blue sky. Ripping them into pieces had been the funnest thing I had done in a while surprisingly. Cheers and hollers were heard all around. Looking up in the sky to find it raining down with ripped papes hadn't surprised me one bit.

But what really caught my attention was the younger boys who threw tomatoes at Weasel and the Delancey Brothers. Hitting the bars and windows, they splashed sending juice everywhere. Jack jumped up to the window and started knocking on it. He began making faces against the glass which made me snicker.

I could hear Weasel yelling at the Delancey's from inside as they tried to make their way outside but were stopped by flying tomatoes. Quickly they rushed out as Weasel slammed the door behind them. Did I mention hes a coward?

"Aye Shifty come here!" Mush called me over.

All the boys were trying to push over a green wooden wagon with papes littered along inside it. I ran over to Mush's side placing my hands against the rough wood and pushed. It toggled side to side before falling over surely breaking and sending even more papes flying about and littering the ground.

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