Three Years Later

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Iris' POV

Not a lot has happened the last three years. The Temple of Ra was completed and the temples for Isis and Oasis are under renovation. Still no sign of Moses. But Ramses hasn't given up hope in finding him. Though he has been going out less. But stays in contact with the search party by messenger hawk.

Ramses is still single. Though both his parents keep invited single noble woman over. In the hopes he'll fall for one of them. I'm still single also. Focusing on my work. I'm now head hand maiden to Queen Tuya.

Today Ramses has been summoned by the pharaoh to the throne room. I stand beside the queen silently. Holding a jug of water. "You summoned me father" Ramses says as he enters the throne room.

"I did" Pharaoh says. "It's about the future" he states.

"Not this again father" Ramses grumbles.

"Be still, pharaoh speaks" Pharaoh says. "Moses has been missing for three years now. I'm not getting any younger Ramses. It's time you settled down and became pharaoh" he tells him.

"But father, what about Moses?" Ramses asks him.

"The search party may continue to search for him. But I think he is gone Ramses" Pharaoh tells him. He's not dead, he can't be.

"I won't give up on him" Ramses tells him.

"We know son" the queen says.

"Tonight there'll be a feast with all the eligible maidens in Egypt in attendance. Tonight you must choose one to court" the pharaoh tells Ramses.

"But father..." Ramses tries to protest.

"It is decided" the pharaoh says firmly. "You will choose someone to court tonight and in five years will become pharaoh. Otherwise you can forget searching for Moses" he states. "Do you understand?" he asks,

"I understand father" Ramses says through gritted teeth.

"You are dismissed" Pharaoh tells him and he leaves.

"Come Iris, I wish to go to the court yard" the queen tells me.

"Of course your highness" I say as I place the jug down. "Good day pharaoh" I say before leaving with the queen. "So what's the plan for tonight?" I ask the queen.

"You are free tonight" she tells me and I look at her confused. "Your father is captain of the guard and a noble. Which means you'll be attending the celebration to win my son's hand" she tells me.

"Oh I doubt he'd choose me, I'm just your hand maiden" I remind her.

"Don't sell yourself short dear, all you need is a little touch up" she tells me. She takes me to her room. "Now lets get you ready for tonight" she states.

"But your the queen, I should be helping you get ready. Not the other way around" I tell him.

"Come now, I was once like you. The old queen did the same for me" she tells me.

"Really?" I ask surprised.

"Mm hm" she hums nodding her head. "Now I had the others get you a new outfit for tonight" she states. "But first wash up" she tells me. I do as I am told.

(Mini time skip)

I'm dressed and the queen is just doing my eye make up. "There you are ready" she declares. As she puts the brush down.

"Thank you Queen Tuya" I say grateful.

"You need not thank me" she tells me. "Now your father is waiting for you and the others have to get me ready" she states. I bow and left her room. I head to the guard counters and see my father.

"You look beautiful my daughter, as beautiful as your mother" he tells me.

"Thank you father" I say. "Do you think she'd be proud of me?" I ask him.

"I'm sure she would be, I know I am" he tells me proudly. "We should go, the feast shall begin shortly" he states. I nod my head in agreement and we head for the feast hall. We are announced by Hotep. "I'm gonna go mingle, you do the same" dad tells me.

"Of course father" I say and he left me be.

"Never seen you before" a girl says as she appears with two others.

"I don't like these sort of events, but my father made me attend" I tell them.

"Well then, allow me to give you some friendly advice" the girl tells me. "I'll be the prince's future queen, we've danced every time at these things. Its practically a guarantee, it'll be announced tonight" she states. "So stay away from Prince Ramses" she tells me.

"He's here!" a girl beside her squeals. We all look to the platform to see Ramses. "Oh my gods, he's looking this way" she says.

"Be cool" the first girl tells her and puts on a flirtatious smile. As Ramses walks over.

"Iris, I'm surprised you're here" Ramses says smiling at me.

"Your mother and my father made me attend" I tell him smiling sheepishly.

"Well you look lovely, how about a dance?" he asks offering me his hand.

"Of course" I say taking it and he leads me away from the girls. "Thanks for that, those girls are nuts" I tell him.

"No problem, besides I'd rather hang out with you then them" he states as we begin to dance. "You know I just realized something" he tells me.

"What?" I ask him curious.

"You're noble" he states.

"Yeah, so?" I ask him.

"Maybe you could help me" he states.

"With what?" I ask him confused.

"If you let me explain, I'll tell you" he tells me. He stops dancing and leads me away from the crowd. "Look I'm not ready to settle down yet and neither are you. So why not pretend to court each other?" he suggests.

"But if we get caught" I tell him.

"We won't be" he assures him. "Besides if we are, I'll take full responsibility" he states. "So will you be my fake fiance?" he asks me.

"I'd be honored Prince Ramses" I tell him and he smiles happily. He kisses my cheek and I blush. He leads me back to the feast and other to his father.

"Father I've decided on who I wish to court" Ramses tells him.

"Then please tell us" Pharaoh tells him.

"I choose to court Iris and she has accepted" Ramses states.

"Oh wonderful, I knew you two would get together. It was only a matter of time" the queen declares happily.

"Very well son, it is your decision" the pharaoh says. I notice some girls very upset. My father stepped forward and congratulated us. I stayed by Ramses all night and he escorted me back to my chambers.

"You'll be given new chambers in a few days" Ramses tells me.

"Of course" I say. "Ramses, I know this is a fake relationship. But what happens if one of us falls in love with the other or someone else?" I ask him.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it" he assures me. "For now, lets just take this one day at a time" he tells me. I nod my head and he kisses my hand before leaving. I enter my chambers and got ready for bed. Calling it a night.


Picture above of Queen Tuya helping Iris get ready.

Future Chapters:

Five Years Later

Time Skip Another 5 Years

Nine Years Later



Moses Return

First Nine Plagues

Death of Amun

Leaving Egypt

Epilogue: New Beginning

The Prince of Egypt: Ramses Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now