11. Hope and Faith in Darkness

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*in Hope and Faith's quarters*

Sombra- *slightly opens the door* Hope? Faith? Are you two awake?

*Sombra and Oscura enter the room and see Hope and Faith staring out the window*

Oscura- *relieved* There you two are. We were worried that we would wake you two. Should I have someone bring you two dinner?

*the two are still staring outside*

Sombra- *arches eyebrow* Why do you two look out there? It only seems to upset you two. Why don't you come with us?

Oscura- *serious* We've just turned the unicorn prince and princess to stone and we're about to do the same to the remaining alicorn princes and princesses out on the dias.

Radiant- *without looking* On the dias?

Sombra- *solemn* Yes, where the heart used to be. We put an end to them where everybody can see them.

Oscura- *admits* Surprisingly, the younger prince and princess suggested it.

Lustrous- *ponders while staring* That'll be good. Then you'll both have won right? We can all live happily ever after here, right?

Sombra- *admits* Well, not quite yet. If we take Canterlot by surprise, we'll have the high ground assault on Canterlot.

Radiant- *snorts* And then you'll both be done.

Oscura- *concerned* Hope! Faith! This is only the beginning! Then there's the griffons and the yaks.

Lustrous- *glares at Sombra and Oscura* And Hope and I we're supposed to be your emperor and empress in all of this?

Radiant- *glares* We'll just stand by your sides and *winces in pain*

Sombra- *worried* Hope!

Oscura- *concerned* Are you alright?

*the two approach her*

Radiant- *angrily* Get back! I'll do it myself. *glares* If I'm to be an empress of monsters, I ought to at least be able to stand on my own.

Sombra/Oscura- *concerned* Hope. Faith, we're sorry...

Lustrous- *glares at them* Are you two? They told us, that this was who you would become, but we didn't believe it. We knew there was something better in you two! 

Oscura- *worried* Faith, we-

Radiant/Lustrous- *angrily* NO!

*Sombra and Oscura wince*

Radiant- *glares at them* Lustrous and I were fools. You two told us yourselves that you two were monsters. We should've listened but we had hope and faith. Foolish foolish hope and blind faith.

Lustrous- *glares at them* Ironic isn't it...

Oscura- *glares* You two don't understand. When we all looked into that Crystal Heart, that day, we saw what we are now! We saw our destiny!

Sombra- *serious* Rabia confirmed it. She told us that we were weapons. They literally made us into this, so we could release the other monsters! We were born to be monsters!

Radiant- *sighs* *serious* Sombra. Oscura. Look at us.

Sombra/Oscura- *arches eyebrow* What?

Radiant- *serious* When we all looked into that heart, you two hid what you saw. Lustrous and I told you two what we saw.

Lustrous- *solemn* What was it?

Oscura- *glares* You two saw yourselves as a prince and princess.

Lustrous- *glares* And are either of us a prince or a princess?

Sombra- *arches eyebrow* Aren't you two?

Radiant- *serious* No. After what happened with you two, we left our studies to try and find you two. To try and help you two.

Oscura- *shocked* So you two never became royalty because of us?

Lustrous- *nods* That's right.

Sombra- *concerned* Hope. Faith. We're so sorry. *admits* We wanted to hurt you two for turning on us. 

Oscura- *worried* We'd never dreamed we'd rob you two of your destinies.

*Radiant and Lustrous flatten their ears and glares at them hard*

Radiant/Lustrous- *serious* Sombra. Oscura. You're both fools.

Sombra/Oscura- *shocked* What?

Radiant- *serious* You two didn't rob us of anything! We chose. We had a choice between our destiny and you two. We chose you two.

Sombra/Oscura- *concerned* But-

Lustrous- *serious* No more talk about destiny, you two. We never believed it in it. 

Radiant/Lustrous- *glares* You two were the only thing we believed in. *walks out* Now let's go forge our destiny together.

Sombra/Oscura- *looks at each other in concern then walks out*

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