Big brother

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Sorry about that...
Description : Takes place after Far from home and No way home but everyone (Tony, Loki) is alive and Steve brought back Natasha somehow. If you haven't watched No way home and don't want some small spoilers here and there then you shouldn't read this!

It's the time of the year, most of the people are extremely excited for, Christmas

Snow all around with fairy lights and beautiful decorations making the city look even more beautiful at night.

Kids playing with snow, adults walking around, old people looking around the city from their room's window. Faces smiling, some looking excited, getting gifts for the ones they love.

In-between all these people, there's a blur of Red and black, swinging through the city. Screaming whishes to everyone he see.

Peter loved Christmas, every year Aunt May and Uncle Ben would give him gifts, telling him bed-time stories about Santa Claus. He and Ned would play in snow till late nights.

But this year, with Aunt May gone and no-one remembering him. Nothing seems really happy to Peter.

Tony, Harley and the other Avengers forgot him. On his first day of the college, he saw MJ but, MJ refused to recognize him. Even Ned forgot him. People again started to know about the Archanid and again his identity was a great question to ask.

He have scholarship for MIT, so college isn't much of a trouble. But he have to work 2 part time jobs a week to provide himself with shelter and Food which kinda makes it hard for him since he have to go to spider-manning after his job.

He was just swinging through the city, wishing anyone he saw on his way. When a boy asked him a question which made him stop dead on his tracks "Why are you swinging around Spider-man? It's Christmas! You should be enjoying it with your family and friends. Queens isn't full of crime everytime and you could use a break you know?"

He was just hanging with his web, staring at the ground. Many people around him nodded and wished him 'Merry Christmas' continuing with their work.

Well that's right, he should be happily singing Christmas songs with his Family and friends, but how? Everyone he loves forgot him just because of a stupid villian, who decided to reveal his identity.

"Ye-Yeah! That's right I'll be going home soon, Thank you M-merry Christmas!"

And with that he started swinging his way back to the place or apartment he calls home. After May's death Peter decided that he's not going to live in that apartment anymore. It held so many happy and bad memories with it but he can't just make himself to step a foot in that apartment now.

He entered his new apartment through a window and removed his mask, sitting on the couch. Staring at nothing but space. He didn't even noticed when a tear slipped from his eye and dropped on the floor.

Peter decided that he's going to visit his family later at the cemetery, Right now he's going to watch some TV and eat some homemade cookies, his sweet old neighbor have given him, like he always did with May and Ben.

//time skip\\

Peter was just getting ready to go to the cemetery when a knock on the door took his attention away from finding the pair of socks he already was wearing. He raised an eyebrow, thinking who might it be.

Normally no one really visits him, Maybe it's the sweet old lady who gave him cookies the other day-

Peter's train of thoughts was put to stop when he saw who really was waiting at the door. Natasha, Clint, Shuri, T'challa, Steve, Wanda, Thor, Loki, Sam, Rhodey, Bucky, Bruce, Dr. Strange, Harley and Vision barged into the room with Christmas caps. Handing him gifts, wishing Merry Christmas. Even Nick Fury was here with Agent Maria hills.

"H-How- I-" Peter can't make words out of his throat. He was beyond happy to see all these people again. "you guys- you guys remember me?" "Oh no no no, who are you? we just decided to break into a random apartment in Queens" Said a voice from behind him, The voice he can recognize from even 100 miles away, Mr. Stark 'he's here!'

Peter thought before turning around with the speed of light. "Mr-mr. Stark" "How are you, Underoos" Tony said taking a step inside the apartment, now standing right infront of him. Peter looked back to see everyone smiling at him. "I-i'm- You- he-here- i thought- forgot- didn't- Dr. Strange-" by now Peter was crying badly, hiccuping and getting stuck on his words. He hugged Mr. Stark as tight as he can "plea-please don't leave me now" he said not caring about the billion dollar suit he just ruined.

"never kiddo and Merry Christmas" Peter didn't stop crying.

"ohh no Peter nope, now that's not how you wish someone. Now look here some more people want to meet you" Tony said holding Peter by his shoulder, turning him towards the door to reveal Ned, MJ, Mrs. Stark and Morgan.

"Hey Merry Christmas Peter..." Ned said grinning from ear to ear. "hey Ned". "Hey there Loser, i really want to kick yours and Strange's ass for what you did but now we are here. Merry Christmas" MJ said with a wave in her voice and some tears rolling down from here eyes."Hey MJ..i'm sorry" he said almost like a whisper.

"Hello Peter, Merry Christmas" Mrs. Stark said smiling widely "Me-merry Christmas Mrs. Stark" he said trying to controll the wavery in his voice. "Are you Peter?" said Morgan looking straight into my eyes. Peter kneeled down infront of her to match his height with hers and nodded frequently and smiled

"I am" "you know Daddy always told me about you but then I don't know what happened I forgot about you, I'm sorry" she said innocently "it's not your fault, I did so many stupid things maybe that's why you forgot about me" "Daddy said you are my big brother, but I never got to meet you before. Merry Christmas"

Peter was shocked to hear that from her. He looked behind to see everyone smiling at him with tears in their eyes, even Mr. Stark then looked at Morgan. And the next word made Tony cry a river of tears, tears of Joy and Happiness.

"I'm your big brother Morgan. And I promise to protect you at any cost"

Heyoooooooo Bitches
I tried my best to make it uhh... Convincing?
Anyways Thank you for reading

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