just dance

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Tony has been getting really worried. Whenever something bad happens or if Peter is in bad mood. He disappears. He literally
Just disappears.

He just leaves the tower, without his phone, even his webshooters so that Tony can't track him.
It was gettimg really frustating. Not like Peter's doing drugs or something, Tony knows that Peter will never do such a thing, but after coming back from where ever he was Peter would be really tired.

one day, after all his means of tracking him failed. Tony decided that he would follow Peter to where ever her was going from a safe distance. So here he was silently following Peter to what seemed like the central mall.

He saw Peter going in the........
Shrugging, he simply followed Peter and what he saw left his jaw on the ground....!

There was Peter, his Peter dancing smoothly with some other kids. 'okay....wow...and What the hell' were his first thoughts.

He was just staring at Peter dancing, without missing a beat!

(rights to the owner)

Peter finished dancing and just turned around to see Mr. Stark standing there. His eyes went wide. 'shit' was the only going through his mind.

Peter nervously went to Tony. "he-hey Mr. Stark...Wha-what are you- what are you- what are you doing here...?" Peter asked keeping his eyes on the floor cause why not?! The floor was more intresting than this conversation rn.

"Is this where you have been coming around alot recently?- wait!- we will talk about that later, but you tell me what was that kid? Like really you were dancing like hell" Tony said softly and shocked, keeping his hand on Peter's shoulders. "yo-your not m-mad?" Peter asked.

"mad? Why? Why in the earth i would be mad?! I'm proud of you kid! Like mannn that was amazing you dancing there, really!" Tony said ruffling Peter's hair affectionately.

"Really! Thank you Mr. Stark! And about that..uh..yeah this is where i have been alot recently, you know dancing helps a lot. So yeah and i'm sorry for getting you all worked up and worried for not telling yo-" Peter started rambling, again.

"uh- huh i'll be stopping you right there, you didn't do anything wrong and yeah you got me a little worried but that's not a problem, just tell me where are you going from next time, okay?" Tony said and Peter nodded smiling.

"now let's go get some ice cream. I'm damn pretty sure your feeling hot after dancing" Tony started walking keeping his hand on Peter's shoulder, smiling.

"and i was thinking maybe i should get a floor in the tower for you, so you don't have to come here everytime you wanna dance, you can invite your friends over so they can practice there and don't you dare say no cause i know the owner keeps asking for rent for using his baseme-"

And with that they walked away talking and laughing.

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