with or without a mask

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Everyone in New york knew two certain boys. Peter parker and Spiderman. Peter was getting famous after the video of him helping some people went viral. Everyday there was something new in the hot topic about him.


All these were on trending. It wasn't uncommon of a certain boy helping a lady cross a road or helping a child find his or her parents.

While Spider-man took responsibility of fighting big guys, Peter helped in small little things. Everyone loved these two and everything was going just fine until it all went to shit.

A Youtube video was now climbing the Top charts around the whole New york. The famous youtuber siblings Josh and Jenna (clearly made this up) were talking about random things in the video until a puzzle topic was brought up.

Has Peter ever met Spider-man? Or has Spider man ever seen Peter on one of his patrol?

At first this wasn't something they should worry about but as they said curiosity and anger takes the best of the man. News reporters made a mountain out of a mole hill (not really...) and started chasing Peter every where asking the same question on repeat, as they can never catch Spider-man for a interview.

Poor Peter and his Parker luck.

'huh, is this why my week was just going super fine? Dammit parker luck!' Peter thought, as he hide himself in the alley to get the reporters off of his tail.

He quickly changed into the Spider suit and started swinging toward the tower as it was Friday meaning movie night with the team. Yayy~ Finally something good after this trash-y day.

After reaching the tower the first thing he did was to go over to Tony and explain him the situation. Tony laughed for good 5 minutes before wiping his imaginary tears. "oh my days... Only you Peter only you. Let me talk to papper if she can do anything in this matter."

Tony said and walked away with a pouty Peter beside him. Leaving this subject in 'idontgiveashitfuckit' file in his brain.

But the real chaos started next morning when Spider man was all over the news again but this with Peter. Headlines flashing again and again with the same words.

"Spiderman seen using the same bag and shoes as people's favourite boy for Queens, Peter B. Parker.
Spiderman's identity revealed??
Unfortunate coincidence or what??"

Peter stood in the living room wide eyed, cursing under his breathe. How can he be so stupid?? He should have left the bag and shoes in the alley!! 'Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!' Peter chanted in his mind. The avengers sighed and decided that it would be best for May and Peter to move into the tower and to reveal his identity.

That's how everyone found out about Spider-man's identity after 2 weeks of complete disaster.

To say many people were suprised, many were unbothered and some even protested but at last it didn't turned out as bad as Peter thought it would. Sure it made life a mess but now his patrols were easier without trying to hide his identity.
Peter is a Hero with or without the mask.

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