Chapter 9

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When Naruto listen to the stories of Shiro, he and Kurama been talking. 'It's look like your clan still didn't extinct after all, Kurama' said Naruto teasingly remark at his partner and he can hear Kurama snot in annoyed at him at his remark and get back to sleep. When Naruto didn't get an answer knowing his partner must be in annoyed, he chuckle mentally. He look at his son looking sad hearing the stories, he smile softly at Minato and ruffle his hair gently getting his attention. Minato look up at him and saw his father smile at him but he can see in his eyes that his father also felt the same as him.

Then his father crouch down to Shiro level and patting his white fur try to comforting him, "It's okay, from now on you can stay with us. If you want, we can train you so you can protect yourself." offer Naruto and when Shiro hear his offer felt happy and start to get excited. "Really? Thank you, thank you, thank you." said Shiro in gratitude and jump into Naruto in excitement making Naruto squeak in surprise. After that, he laugh at Shiro behaviour and Minato join with him laughing, Shiro look at the two weirdly confuse of why they laughing.

After about 2 minutes, the father and son manage to calm down they laughing and Naruto look at the clock shows that it's time for dinner. "Alright, you will share room with my son. Minato, can you show him the room and prepare a bed for Shiro? I'll need to prepare dinner." Minato nodded and walk to where his room is and gesture for Shiro to follow him. Before he go, he saw his father sent a word 'good luck' to him, he look confuse but then he get a hint.

When he and Shiro at his room with him preparing the bed for Shiro to sleep and Shiro were seating on his bed, Minato give a glance on Shiro and he decide to ask him something. "Urm.. Shiro? Can I ask you something?" Shiro heard him and nodded "What is it?" ask him curious of what his now roommate gonna ask. "Urm.. if you know about Kitsune clan than you must be know about partner right?" Shiro nodded in answer looking more confuse then before. "Well, do you want to be my partner?" ask Minato hopefully. Shiro heard this, he was stunned and unsure of what should he answer.

"Are you sure do you want me as your partner? Because I'm weak, I can't even protect myself mostly even I can't protect my mom." said Shiro doubting himself to become a great partner for Minato. Minato just give him an reassure smile, "No, it's okay. I don't mind because I'm also in learning. We can learn and train together to become stronger and together we can protect our family and everyone that precious to us. I also decide to continue our clan legacy together with my dad and for that I need you as my partner to support me and help me to protect our clan together. How about it?" said Minato in determines to achieve his dream.

Shiro was speechless hearing of what Minato told him and he felt awe for that, someone needs him. Someone want him as part of they life, someone consider him as family as friend. He felt touched by that and he can't help felt gratitude of whoever let him meet this family. He look at Minato that waiting for his answer hopefully, he smile at him a big bright smile "I would love to be your partner." said him happily and saw Minato turn into big smile happy that Shiro agree to be his partner.

Minato then held his hand in front of Shiro, "Then, please take good care of me for now on and welcome to the family" said him with cheery grin on his face. Shiro also grin at him and give his paw accept Minato "Thank you and please take care of me too for now own partner." They shake hand as a symbol of their partnership. "Minato, Shiro. Dinner's ready." they heard Naruto exclaim from downstairs calling the two for dinner and the two walk out from they share room to the dining room where Naruto wait for them.

When they arrive, Shiro saw a dark red fox with nine tail were curling on the chair. He turn to Minato for explanation, Minato saw it and said "Ah, that's Kurama. My dad partner." Shiro nodded in understand felt slight worried at the fox that look older then him and he can felt the fox chakra and it's shows how powerful and majestic his chakra is. Kurama look up when he felt they presence and stretch his body with big yawn and look at them "Yo Minato, you look good with those appearance. But I warn you though to be careful when you go outside. We don't want anyone know about our clan that still standing even though just four of us." said Kurama in warning.

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