Chapter 16 - End

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Few years later...

We can see a 19 years old Minato were in the one of Konoha training ground with three genin. One is a 6 years old boy with spiky grey hair and dark grey eyes, wearing a dark blue mask covering half of his face. Looking laid back and aloof, the boy's name is Hatake Kakashi.

Next to the boy is a 13 years old girl with short-length brown hair and amber green eyes. She had a purple marking on each of her cheeks. The girl name is Nohara Rin. Next to her is the boy the same age as her with spiky raven hair and onyx eyes, the boy wears a orange goggle on his head. His name is Uchiha Obito.

Minato look at his new students in fondness, "Alright, let's start with the introduction. Name, age, birthday, likes, dislikes, hobbies and dreams. I will started first, then the one on my left will continued. Okay?"

He got the nod in answer, he smile and start his introduction. "My name Namikaze-Kitsune Minato, I'm 19 years old. My birthday in January 25th. I like my family, foxes, my father's cooking, my girlfriend and create new jutsu. Dislike someone looking down on my family strength, heartless people, someone tried to snatch my girlfriend away while we're on a date and someone interrupt my sealing progress. Hobbies are training, cooking, gardening, spending time with my family or girlfriend and experimenting my sealing skill. My dream is to become my father right-hand man."

When he done, he heard someone snort. "Well, you still far away to go, sensei. Dad wouldn't leave his spot until he retired. Yondaime-sama still need him on his side." said Kakashi with pride.

Instead feeling offended, Minato just smirked at him slyly. "Well thank you for the advice, Kakashi-kun but there's one thing you didn't know about my family genes. That is, we won't grow old until we turn 21 years old and so we will stay young until we died."

His students gasped at that and Minato just smile knowingly at them. "So, when Sakumo-san grown old and lost his prime. My father would still look the same as he is right now. You already notice that Hokage-sama still on his twenties despite being in 30." said him slyly with grin shows in his face.

He chuckled when he saw their face, it's no help thought. A few years ago, the Saindaime Hokage announce his successor and his father was picked to be the next Hokage and so, Namikaze-Kitsune Naruto become a Yondaime Hokage. And Hatake Sakumo had been asked for the Yondaime to become his right-hand man since the two was best friend. After his father took the hat, he announce their Kitsune clan name so when the citizen saw their hybrid form, they won't freak out and would label it as their clan kekkei genkai. He then clear his throat to get their attention back. "Alright, I have said my piece. Now, you guys turn to introduce yourself. Starting with my left, Obito-kun."

The orange goggle boy bounced on his feet and grin, "Yo, my name is Uchiha Obito. I'm 13, birthday in February 10th. I like..."

Time skip...

"Good work everyone!" state Minato with satisfies smile. The three genin that was in front of him, panting hard. Even Kakashi that have good stamina for his age, was tired. Team 7 has been doing a survival test to see their teamwork. Even thought it wasn't flawless, at least they didn't fight each other for the bell.

"Congratulation, you all pass. Meet me at 6:00 A.M. tomorrow at training ground 9. We will be starting our first mission together as a team. You all dismissed." instructed Minato and he shunshin away to report the passing team, missing the glare coming from his students.

"I swear, he just like Hokage-sama when it's involved with training." State Kakashi huffing.

"You have been training with Hokage-sama before Kakashi-kun?" asked Rin curiously. Kakashi nodded but didn't look at her, "Yeah, when I was 3. He and his wife took care of me when my dad was away from mission. So when I was bored, he would invite me in his training. And let me tell you, he is a slave driver when it's about training."

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