god save me, but don't drown me out

90 7 4

Calm me down, before I sleep.
Cause I don't know, where I've just been.

Dick drives through Pennsylvania landing at a gas station in Ohio.

"Hey, can I have the key to the bathroom?"

The attendant looks up from his phone. "Bathrooms for customers only."

Geez, someone is feeling grouchy today.

"Take it. Slam his face into the counter and take what you want."

"We aren't hurting him," Dick replies grumbling.

"You know what man, here take it."

Shit. He said that out loud didn't he. "Thank you." Dick took the key tied to a foot of PVC from the man.

The bathroom was filthy as gas station bathrooms tend to go. Dick took out a pocket knife, two alcohol swatches, a pair of tweezers, and a sewing kit from his bag and placed it on the sink. He sanitized his arm, the tweezers, the needle, and the knife and made an incision about half an inch long on a little patch of fat near his left armpit, used the tweezers to dig out a tracker and sew the cut.

"Damn Bruce and his trust issues." The voices we're in unison: the demon and Dick's. That's terrifying.

Dick washed the tracker, tossed the key at the very rude employee, and headed back to his car.

In his car, he put the tracker in the glove box and headed off to his next destination. The airport.

Getting within walking distance to the Ohio international airport Dick found someone living in a tent.

"Hey," he called.

A woman came out looking haggled. "What do you want. This is state property I have a right to be here. I've had enough with you lot all high and mighty coming to harass me."

"Ma'am you have it wrong. I didn't come here to harass you. I came here to help you if you'd like. I'd like to give you my car."

"What?" She exclaimed. "Now you've gone too far. Just leave me alone." disbelief and defeat clear in her voice.

"No. I'm serious. Here take it." He pulled out his keys and pressed them into her hand. "The title paperwork is on the passenger side seat."

"Thank you, sir! Thank you." She grabbed and hugged him tightly, crying tears of joy into his shirt.

It was nice to still help people while he can. Besides what was he going to do with a car? The dead don't drive.

Dick broke free and grabbed his bag. "Take care of yourself."

He started off towards the airport.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes. I would like to buy a ticket to Berlin. My name is Dick Grayson."

"We have a flight leaving in 2 hours."

"Yes. Please book me on that one." Dive pulled out his ID and debit card handing them to the attendant.

"May I check your bag."

"Yes. Thank you." Dick handed the duffel bag over to be weighed and ticketed.

Then he turned around, left the terminal, and shouted "taxi."

Dick had the driver take him to a smaller airport about 40 miles from the international airfield. He paid the pilot in cash and took off towards his true destination- an old haunt on the coast of Northern California.

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